The origin of the Bizel-Bizzell family is placed in Savoie Province, present-day Eastern France. Family members are traced from sixteenth century Savoie to Ireland, England, America, Australia, south Africa and Canada. Family members living in these countries in 1976 contributed geneological data.

Time, like an ever rolling stream,
Bers all its sons
They fly forgotten, as a dream
Fades at the break of day.

--Isaac Watts 1674-1748

John Everett Bizzell ( mom's grandfather)

John Everett- son of David Everett and Maloney Winborne, was born Nov.7,1836 in Nash Co., N.C. Migrated with his parents from Nash to East Fork, Conway Co., Arkansas, starting in 1849. In 1854, at age 17, he was bitten by a rattlesnake while getting a drink of water near the Arkansas River. At the 1860 Conway census, he was listed as a carpenter and living with the Joshua Moses family. Married Oct. 25, 1860 to Nancy Jane (Polly) Brewer who was born Jan.16,1837 in TN. Children: Joseph Wesley born 1861, Francis Marian, 18627 Mary Alice 1864, Thomas Lee 1867, Minnie Jane 1871, John Shelby 1873, Carol Dora 1875, Nora Lane 1879. John Everett served for one month with the CSA and was discharged because he was ill and had been left behind by his Company. In 1865, he enlisted in the Union Army and served for 4 mos. -see Civil War records— Occupation: at the age of 19, he began farming for himself. In 1890, he owned a well-stocked farm consisting of 160 acres with 90 under a high state of cultivation. In the Masonic Fraternity, he advanced to the degree of Royal Arch Mason and held the office of Chaplin. He and his wife were both members of the Methodist Episcopal Church South in which he held the office of local deacon. Because of these religious activities, he came to be called Reverend. John E. died Jan.7,1898; Nancy died April 12,1922; and both were buried in the Bizzell Cemetery at Lanty, Arkansas.

John Everett Bizzell, Confederate Army, Private, Company F, (Capt. Hanna's Company, McRae's Regiment), 36th Arkansas Infantry. Enlisted 18 Jun 1862 at Springfield, Conway Co. AR for 3 years. However, he spent less than a month with the CSA Army because he became sick while on the road. His Company went on and feft him behind and he returned home when Ice was well enough to travel. Records show that John E. was discharged 11 Jul 1862.- Very near the end of the war, John joined the Union Army. The following records are available: John E. Bizzell, Union Army, Private, Company G, 4th Regiment, Ark/ Cavalry. Volunteered at Lewisburg, AR. - I, John E. Bizzell born in Nash Co., in the state of North Carolina, age 28 years, and by occupation a farmer, do hereby acknowledge to have volunteered this twenty-third day of January, 1865, to serve as a soldier in the Army of the United States of America and that I will serve them honestly and faithfully against all their enemies or opposes whomsoever; and that I will observe and obey the orders of the Presi dent of the United States, and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to the Rules and Articles of War.-While on duty with the Union Army, John E. Suffered an injury that plagued him the remainder of his life. On Mar.1,1865, near Sulpher Springs in Conway County, while riding along the highway returning from a scouting expedition, his horse became frightened and ran away. During flight the horse fell and the saddle struck John E. a severe blow on the left side of the chest. After recovering somewhat from the hurt, he was assisted by comrades to the military hospital at Lewisburg. This accident was said to have left him with a fluttering in the heart, breathing difficulties and a severe cough. Because hostilities ceased about this time, John E. was mustered out of the Union service on June 30,1865 at Lewisburg. He was described as having dark hair, fair complexion, hazel eyes and being 5 ft.8inch. tall. Following the war, John E. made application for a federal pension. Because he was from a Southern State and served the Union, a number of people wrote uncomplimentary letters to Washington, DC about him. There is an extensive file on him at the National Archives. CSA soldiers David W., Lorenzo F, Francis M, and Thomas C were his brothers.

1 comment:

  1. This is my great-great-great-great-grandfather... His son was Francis Marion Bizzell, who's son was John Wesley Bizzell, who's son was Lonnie Lucian Bizzell, who's daughter was Juanita Van Bizzell, who was my grandmother. Robert, please e-mail me when you see this comment! Thank You!
