From The Bizzell Family Book
This Bizzell family history was based principally on census and military service records in the National Archives, land grant records in State Libraries, county court records where Bizzells were known to have lived, information on questionnaires mailed in 1966 to 650 Bizzells listed in telephone directories on file at the U.S. Library of Congress and from personal discussions with many persons who bore the family name. Factual material cannot be guaranteed, but was obtained from sources believed to be reliable.
The National Census records in America start in 1790, and the first 60 years list only heads-of-house, with others noted numerically within age groups. However, it should be rememberd that "others" noted were not neccesarily members of the immediate family; they might have been boarders, farmhands, cousins, etc. Information in the census increased each decade and finally in 1850, names of all persons within the family were listed. Thus, interpretation of census records before 1850 is often uncertain. Also, census records before 1880 are not alphabetical and this made searching for names somewhat like looking for a needle in a haystack.
Almost all of the 1890 American census records were lost in a fire and this was a very great handicap to us. However, the 1900 census was made available to genealogists in early 1974 and this helped greatly in bridging the gap. Records after 1900 probably will not be available for many years.
Another difficulty encountered was wide use of nicknames, and these were frequently recorded by the census taker. A few were observed to fall into a pattern - such as Polly for a person named Mary. However, the nickname Nell for Ellen was a bit more difficult to decipher.
Another way used to mask the inability to spell was to use an initial. For example, E, the daughter of J, leaves much for guesswork. However, by extensive cross checking, we were able to decipher many initials. Also, use of the name William and John were so common until they were not much better than initials. Moreover, in a few cases we found that people had changed their given names. For example, David Marzarine Bizzell changed his Christian names to Marza Wilson.
At the first national census in 1790, we found record of one free black in America - Solomon Bizzell with 10 other free persons in the family in Hertford County, NC. The white Bizzells previously had been there and in adjoining Nansemond County, VA around 1750. We believe Solomon obtained his freedom and adopted the family name about that time. In addition, hundreds of blacks adopted the name after the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863. Thus, we have made no effort to include black lineages in this history.
For the English lineages, Mr. John L. Bizzell of London gave us long and valuable assistance. Over a period of 12 years, he wrote hundreds of letters to English Bizzells in quest of information, ran advertisements in major newspapers, visited vicars in old parish houses to search early local church records, used special British sources to search for the Bizel-Bizzell name in South America and enticed disc-jockeys to plug our genealogy project on British radio. Offical records of births, marriages and deaths were started 1 Jul 1837 and these proved to be an excellent source of information. Extensive searches were made at
the Society of genealogists, 37 Harrington Gardens; the General Register Office at Somerset House and later at St. Catherine's House; the Public Records Office at Chancery Lane and the Huguenot Society of London. In addition, Mr. Frederick John Bizzell of Ripley, Surrey provided extensive information on the family which went to Trinidad, plus photographs of some early 19th century Bizzells in England.
In France, we were assisted by Monsieur Andre Chauson, General Director of the National Archives in Paris who caused a records search to be made on the Bizel name and sent the results to us. Dr. Harold G. Richter, an American scientist stationed at Grenoble, collaborated with the Mayor of Chambery, Capital City of Savoie Province, to obtain information on the life of Reverend Pierre Bizel. Francois and Marie Bizel of Les Rieux undertook research for us at Albiez le Viex and St. Jean de Maurienne, Pierre Bizel of Louhans compiled a genealogy of family members who lived in Algerie and Joseph Bizel of Nice gave us the benefit of research he had accomplished to determine his own lineage and derivation of the Bizel name.
In Australia, we had excellent assistance from Vivian and Mavis Bizzell of Waterford, Queensland. In addition, Emily Bizzell Aviss and her daughter Enid of Brisbane compiled much information for us. They made numerous telephone calls and personal visits leading to an absolutely complete record of Australian Bizzells up to 1975.
In South Africa, Eric Bizzell and his sister-in-law Phyllis, both of Durban, supplied information on their branch of the family. Roydon H. L. Bizzell was a retired British Naval Officer, transplanted to Port Elizabeth and his recollections of Bizzells he had encountered in various parts of the world was an invaluable aid.
In Canada, Alexander M. Bizzell of North Bay, Ontario was our main source of help with the few we found there.
In America, we express our sincere appreciation to the following for thier fine cooperation and helpfulness: Eleanor Bizzell Powell, Goldsboro, NC; Mrs. Beryl Bizzell, Mount Olive, NC; Eleanor Pearsall, Rocky Mount, NC; William S. Bizzell, Raleigh, NC; Betsy Bizzell Parmele, Lumberton, NC; Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Bizzell, Newton Grove, NC; Mrs. John P. Carroll, Raleigh, NC; Mrs. Mary McGraph, Savanna, GA; Florence Bizzell Wenz, DeLand, FL; Georgia Bizzell Palmer, Canton, MS; Mrs. John D. Craft, Memphis, TN; Frank D. Bizzell, Little Rock, AR; Mrs. Winnie Davis Bizzell Chase, Tulsa, OK; Mrs. Marie Dollarhide, Tulsa, OK; Mr. and Mrs. Guy Bizzell, Austin, TX; Mrs. Doca Mae Bizzell, Midland, TX; Colonel Lee Caraway Bizzell, Gloucester, VA; Hubert L. Bizzell, Kaysville, UT; John E. (Jack) Bizzell, Covina, CA; and John R. Bizzelle, Newport News, VA.
The Authors sincerely hope that others will be encouraged and inspired to add information to this history. Also, we will be pleased to receive any additions and corrections.
Oscar M. Bizzell
Virginia L. Bizzell
16501 Walnut Hill Rd.
Gaithersburg, Maryland 20760
July 1976
Why This book was written
Written by: Oscar McArthur Bizzell- from his book the Bizzell Family
Sunday afternoons in eastern North Carolina were traditionally a time to go for a visit with relatives, friends and neighbors. During summer, large crowds would gather on breeze-swept front porches to discuss crops, politics, weather, recent illnesses and sundry such topics. Oftentimes, the conversation would turn to genealogy and a recollection of bygone people, places and times. here is where the older ones could command center stage with unquestioned authority because their memory ws the longest.
The Bizzell name was rather rare in eastern NC, and even more so in other parts of the USA. Indeed, most of my classmates in school had good English names such as Britt, Tart, Warren and the like.
As my father grew older, he became increasingly interested in the history of the Bizzell Family. Once, he heard about some Bizzells in Orangeburg, SC who were unknown to him; so he drove more than 100 miles to make their acquantance. However, his knowledge of the family was lost when he died in 1963 because he had written down very little of what he learned.
When I went to work for the Atomic Energy Commission in 1948, my job required me to travel to all parts of the USA. In recounting tales of where I had been, Dad asked me to search the telephone directories to see where other Bizzells had migrated. Next, he wanted me to ring them on the telephone and see if they could trace their linage back to NC. After considerable prodding, I finally started making a few such calls. This led to some very interesting conversations, plus the discovery that most people didn't know their linage beyond their grandfather. Several suggested that I ought to write a book on what I was learning about the family.
Most people knew the Bizzell name was supposed to be of French origin. Several had heard that three brothers came to America, went to different parts of the country and they supposed all descended from one of the three. With nothing better to go on, I began to believe there might be some truth to this legend.
My faith in the legend was shaken, however, by a passage found in James Fenimore Cooper's book, THE PIONEERS, written ca 1850. In chapter XVIII, he stated: "Most of the American genealogists commence their traditions like the stories for children, with three brothers, taking especial care that one of the triumvirate shall be the progenitor of any of the same name who may happen to be better fournished with worldly gear than themselves".
My work with the peaceful applications of atomic energy aroused interest in tracing the Bizzell genealogy in quite another way. Every day, I came across new ways in which the atom could be used as an important tracer, all the way from medical purposes to space exploration. Like the radioactive atom, a family name is a sort of tag that can be used to follow people through complicated migrations and linages. Most people are proud of their name and it usually survives intact, or with only minor alterations.
A very interesting chain of events began in Kern Methodist Church, Oak Ridge, Tennessee on 20 Dec 1954. A leak had developed in the pipes under six inches of concrete flooring and this threatened to close the church during the fully programmed Christmas season. Quickly finding and stopping the leak seemed hopless until I hit upon the idea of letti8ng the atom help locat the hole in the buried pipe.
December 1954 was still the "early days" of atomic energy and many church members were apprehensive about the safety of the experiment. It was to be the first atomic solution to a church prolem. The "ox was in the ditch," however, and I finally won approval to go ahead with my attempt at atomic plumbinb.
A ten-gallon bucket of water, a garden hose and two millicuries of radioactive iodine were hastily assembled. the experiment was successful and the church reopened in about three hours. I was the first one to drink water from the repaired pipes--thereby dispelling any doubts about a possible lingering radiation hazard.
Tracing water to the hole in the buried pipe, however, was nothing compared to the chain of "tracing" events that were set in motion.
The second phase of the story began in August 1961, when the READERS DIGEST published a story under the heading, New Uses for Neurotic Atoms. Soon thereafter, in Queensland, Australia, Mavis Bizzell happened to glance at the story while on a train trip. Her eyes spotted the surname and cause considerable excitement because she had never known anyone else with the bizzell name, aside from her relatives in Australia.
A letter was hurriedly posted to Oak Ridge and finallly caught up with me at Germantown, Maryland. She asked a multitude of questions about Bizzells in America and the origin of the family. I knew very few of the answers but Mavis' letter did start me to thinking seriously about the genealogical research project.
Visits to the National Archives and the Library of Congress in Washington revealed the name of my 4X great grandfather, Enos Bizzell, who fought with the Continental Army from 1776 to 1783. Research in the State libraries in Raleigh, NC and Richmond, VA led to the discovery that the first Bizzell in America was given a land grant in Nansemond County, VA, lying along Queens Graves Swamp.
Review of telephone directories at foreigh embassies in Washington revealed that there were Bizzells also living in Elgland and South Africa. Letters were dispatched and startled replies came back asking countless questions about the small, widely scattered Bizzell family.
Although family legend for generations has been that the family was of French origin, my French acquaintances disagreed that the name could have existed in France with my spelling. This prompted fur4ther research that led to the Archives in Paris. We have established, with virtual certainty, that the name was spelled Bizel in France and was anglicized to Bizzell when some members of the family emigrated to England around 1575. We also learned that the early Bizels had lived in Savoie.
Excited with these initial success, our burning desire was to locate the family homestead in France if at all possible. With the help of a fellow wcientist at the atomic laboratories in Grenoble, the mayor of the French city of Chambery was brought into the picture. He wrote us that all evidence pointed to a small hamlet named Les Rieux, high in the French Alps.
We made our way to Grenoble and on the morning of 2 Aug 1964 rented a car and started the 75 miles in search of Les Rieux. After losing the way several times on the narrow mountain roads, we finally reached our destination in the early afternoon. I shall never forget my feeling of excitement as we rounded a bend in the road and came face-to-face with a sign announcing Les Rieux.
But alas, the entire hamlet, consisting of some six houses, seemed deserted. After looking around and taking a few snapshots, we were about ready to give up and leave. Suddenly a door opened and an old couple emerged from one of the stone houses. I hailed them and then shouted my entire French vocabulary, "Je suis Monsieur Bizel." This startled them and they came running up the mountanside to where we stood. We showed our American passports and by sign language made them understand that we were long separated members of their family. Francois literally danced in the street and then firly planted the traditional French kiss on our cheeks. Next folloed much excited conversation that neither my wife nor I could understand.
Finally, I realized that it was starting to rain. I handed Francois an envelope and a pen and he hastily scribbled out his address. We gave dollar bills to both Francois and Marie as souvenirs and made a dash for the car before the deluge set in.
The rain continued to fall during the entire seturn trip to Grenoble but it didn't dampen our spirits one bit. We were still basking in the emotional excitement of having bridged a nearly 400-year gap in the Bizzell family history.
After returning to the States, I learned enough French to correspond with Francois and Marie back at Les Rieux. They were the only remaining members of the family living in Savoi8e. They have sent us much famly history and a painting of Father Pierre Bizel, born in 1548, who is a candidate for beatification in theCatholic Church. Francois and Marie were living at the old homeplace where Pierre was born. The house burned down around 1509 years ago but was rebuilt on the sturdy stone walls.
In 1964, John L. Bizzell of London, England caught the "genealogy bug" from us and has made extensive record searches in the British Archives, as well as writing hundreds of letters, advertising in British papers and any other scheme to collect Bizzell history. Without John's help, this book would be far less complete.
We took our daughters to London in 1967 and John arranged a special international reunion for us. On very short notice, some 40 people came from all parts of England to make our acquantance.
A worldwide letter writingt campaign has brought us stacks of information on the hundreds of families we have learned about. It was like a giant crossword puzzle and the peices were slowly fitted together over a 12 year period.
In 1962, my wife Virginia became actively interested in the Bizzell history and started making periodic trips to the National Archives in nearby Washington to search old census records. indeed, she carried the main burden of the research until I retired in July 1973.
In addition to on-the-spot research in England, France, Australia, Canada and the USA, we have obtained information from South Africa, Barbados, Trinidad and South America. We believe we have identified possibly 90% of the people who have borne the names Bizel, bizell, Bizzell, Bizzle, Bizzelle, Bizzel and Bizzill.
Having invested thousands of hours in tedious research and many thousands of dollars in expenses, it would be unforgiveable to let our findings slip away and perhaps be lost forever. Thus we decided to write the history of the family as we understand it in 1976 and publish it for the benefit of future generations.
Sunday afternoons in eastern North Carolina were traditionally a time to go for a visit with relatives, friends and neighbors. During summer, large crowds would gather on breeze-swept front porches to discuss crops, politics, weather, recent illnesses and sundry such topics. Oftentimes, the conversation would turn to genealogy and a recollection of bygone people, places and times. here is where the older ones could command center stage with unquestioned authority because their memory ws the longest.
The Bizzell name was rather rare in eastern NC, and even more so in other parts of the USA. Indeed, most of my classmates in school had good English names such as Britt, Tart, Warren and the like.
As my father grew older, he became increasingly interested in the history of the Bizzell Family. Once, he heard about some Bizzells in Orangeburg, SC who were unknown to him; so he drove more than 100 miles to make their acquantance. However, his knowledge of the family was lost when he died in 1963 because he had written down very little of what he learned.
When I went to work for the Atomic Energy Commission in 1948, my job required me to travel to all parts of the USA. In recounting tales of where I had been, Dad asked me to search the telephone directories to see where other Bizzells had migrated. Next, he wanted me to ring them on the telephone and see if they could trace their linage back to NC. After considerable prodding, I finally started making a few such calls. This led to some very interesting conversations, plus the discovery that most people didn't know their linage beyond their grandfather. Several suggested that I ought to write a book on what I was learning about the family.
Most people knew the Bizzell name was supposed to be of French origin. Several had heard that three brothers came to America, went to different parts of the country and they supposed all descended from one of the three. With nothing better to go on, I began to believe there might be some truth to this legend.
My faith in the legend was shaken, however, by a passage found in James Fenimore Cooper's book, THE PIONEERS, written ca 1850. In chapter XVIII, he stated: "Most of the American genealogists commence their traditions like the stories for children, with three brothers, taking especial care that one of the triumvirate shall be the progenitor of any of the same name who may happen to be better fournished with worldly gear than themselves".
My work with the peaceful applications of atomic energy aroused interest in tracing the Bizzell genealogy in quite another way. Every day, I came across new ways in which the atom could be used as an important tracer, all the way from medical purposes to space exploration. Like the radioactive atom, a family name is a sort of tag that can be used to follow people through complicated migrations and linages. Most people are proud of their name and it usually survives intact, or with only minor alterations.
A very interesting chain of events began in Kern Methodist Church, Oak Ridge, Tennessee on 20 Dec 1954. A leak had developed in the pipes under six inches of concrete flooring and this threatened to close the church during the fully programmed Christmas season. Quickly finding and stopping the leak seemed hopless until I hit upon the idea of letti8ng the atom help locat the hole in the buried pipe.
December 1954 was still the "early days" of atomic energy and many church members were apprehensive about the safety of the experiment. It was to be the first atomic solution to a church prolem. The "ox was in the ditch," however, and I finally won approval to go ahead with my attempt at atomic plumbinb.
A ten-gallon bucket of water, a garden hose and two millicuries of radioactive iodine were hastily assembled. the experiment was successful and the church reopened in about three hours. I was the first one to drink water from the repaired pipes--thereby dispelling any doubts about a possible lingering radiation hazard.
Tracing water to the hole in the buried pipe, however, was nothing compared to the chain of "tracing" events that were set in motion.
The second phase of the story began in August 1961, when the READERS DIGEST published a story under the heading, New Uses for Neurotic Atoms. Soon thereafter, in Queensland, Australia, Mavis Bizzell happened to glance at the story while on a train trip. Her eyes spotted the surname and cause considerable excitement because she had never known anyone else with the bizzell name, aside from her relatives in Australia.
A letter was hurriedly posted to Oak Ridge and finallly caught up with me at Germantown, Maryland. She asked a multitude of questions about Bizzells in America and the origin of the family. I knew very few of the answers but Mavis' letter did start me to thinking seriously about the genealogical research project.
Visits to the National Archives and the Library of Congress in Washington revealed the name of my 4X great grandfather, Enos Bizzell, who fought with the Continental Army from 1776 to 1783. Research in the State libraries in Raleigh, NC and Richmond, VA led to the discovery that the first Bizzell in America was given a land grant in Nansemond County, VA, lying along Queens Graves Swamp.
Review of telephone directories at foreigh embassies in Washington revealed that there were Bizzells also living in Elgland and South Africa. Letters were dispatched and startled replies came back asking countless questions about the small, widely scattered Bizzell family.
Although family legend for generations has been that the family was of French origin, my French acquaintances disagreed that the name could have existed in France with my spelling. This prompted fur4ther research that led to the Archives in Paris. We have established, with virtual certainty, that the name was spelled Bizel in France and was anglicized to Bizzell when some members of the family emigrated to England around 1575. We also learned that the early Bizels had lived in Savoie.
Excited with these initial success, our burning desire was to locate the family homestead in France if at all possible. With the help of a fellow wcientist at the atomic laboratories in Grenoble, the mayor of the French city of Chambery was brought into the picture. He wrote us that all evidence pointed to a small hamlet named Les Rieux, high in the French Alps.
We made our way to Grenoble and on the morning of 2 Aug 1964 rented a car and started the 75 miles in search of Les Rieux. After losing the way several times on the narrow mountain roads, we finally reached our destination in the early afternoon. I shall never forget my feeling of excitement as we rounded a bend in the road and came face-to-face with a sign announcing Les Rieux.
But alas, the entire hamlet, consisting of some six houses, seemed deserted. After looking around and taking a few snapshots, we were about ready to give up and leave. Suddenly a door opened and an old couple emerged from one of the stone houses. I hailed them and then shouted my entire French vocabulary, "Je suis Monsieur Bizel." This startled them and they came running up the mountanside to where we stood. We showed our American passports and by sign language made them understand that we were long separated members of their family. Francois literally danced in the street and then firly planted the traditional French kiss on our cheeks. Next folloed much excited conversation that neither my wife nor I could understand.
Finally, I realized that it was starting to rain. I handed Francois an envelope and a pen and he hastily scribbled out his address. We gave dollar bills to both Francois and Marie as souvenirs and made a dash for the car before the deluge set in.
The rain continued to fall during the entire seturn trip to Grenoble but it didn't dampen our spirits one bit. We were still basking in the emotional excitement of having bridged a nearly 400-year gap in the Bizzell family history.
After returning to the States, I learned enough French to correspond with Francois and Marie back at Les Rieux. They were the only remaining members of the family living in Savoi8e. They have sent us much famly history and a painting of Father Pierre Bizel, born in 1548, who is a candidate for beatification in theCatholic Church. Francois and Marie were living at the old homeplace where Pierre was born. The house burned down around 1509 years ago but was rebuilt on the sturdy stone walls.
In 1964, John L. Bizzell of London, England caught the "genealogy bug" from us and has made extensive record searches in the British Archives, as well as writing hundreds of letters, advertising in British papers and any other scheme to collect Bizzell history. Without John's help, this book would be far less complete.
We took our daughters to London in 1967 and John arranged a special international reunion for us. On very short notice, some 40 people came from all parts of England to make our acquantance.
A worldwide letter writingt campaign has brought us stacks of information on the hundreds of families we have learned about. It was like a giant crossword puzzle and the peices were slowly fitted together over a 12 year period.
In 1962, my wife Virginia became actively interested in the Bizzell history and started making periodic trips to the National Archives in nearby Washington to search old census records. indeed, she carried the main burden of the research until I retired in July 1973.
In addition to on-the-spot research in England, France, Australia, Canada and the USA, we have obtained information from South Africa, Barbados, Trinidad and South America. We believe we have identified possibly 90% of the people who have borne the names Bizel, bizell, Bizzell, Bizzle, Bizzelle, Bizzel and Bizzill.
Having invested thousands of hours in tedious research and many thousands of dollars in expenses, it would be unforgiveable to let our findings slip away and perhaps be lost forever. Thus we decided to write the history of the family as we understand it in 1976 and publish it for the benefit of future generations.
Early People, Places, and Times
Les Bizel etaient tourjours en Savoie! - the Bizels were always in Savoie! This statement was made to us by Joseph Bizel of Nice, France when we first met him in Sep 1971. Present-day Savoie is situated in eastern France, south of Geneva and adjacent to the western border of North Italy, in the heart of the Alps.
Although Savoie did not become a part of France until 1860, the inhabitants have spoken French for many hundreds of years. For a brief review of the turbulent history of Savoie, see the chapter on French Bizels.
Etienne Bizel was the oldest Bizel we learned about and he lived at Albiez le Viex (Albiez the Old). Savoie during the early part of the 16th century. His birthdate is estimated to be about 1475. We believe Etienne was the grandfather of Reverend Pierre Bizel, an outstanding Catholic Priest and candidate for sainthood. Pierre was born in the year 1548 and a history of his life exists because of his remarkable religious career.
During the course of our research, we discovered many names similar to Bizel and Bizzell. These were Bazzell, Bozzell, Buzzell, Bissell and their many variations. In only a few cases was the name Bezzell found and we believe this was an English phonetic spelling of Bizzell. The French "i" pronounces "e", to give Bee-Zell. Thus, we acdcepted the one or two Bezzells as members of the Bizel-Bizzell family.
At least four possible derivations of the Bizel name came to our attention: First, Joseph Bizel believes the name derives from the village of Albiez. By letting the "a" mean "at", as it does in French, and rearranging the remaining letters, he gets the name "Joseph a Bizel". As time passed and people moved to other places, the "a"{ was dropped leaing the surname Bizel. Second, there may have been a hamlet or small village in eastern France by the name of Bizel. Mrs. Lillian Bizzell Taylor (3212) wrote us in Feb 1976 saying she remembered her grandfather Holland George Bizzell telling about a chateau in a small village called Bizel, that was near the border of Itally. Our reference amaterial on France was not sufficiently detailed to verify that such a place existed. Third, a hamlet named Bozel does exist in Moutiers, near the border of Italy. Bozel is in Savoie, about 40 kilometers NW from Albiez. The Bizels may have derived their name from this village. Fourth, the name may relate to the word bezel, which means the edge of a cutting tool, or the oblique face of a brilliant cut gem.
We are convinced the name originated in the French Alps, near the present-day border of Italy. It is indeed remarkable that the Bizel-Bizzell name has survived so well intact during the past 400 years.
It appears that some members of the Bizel family emigrated to England in the 16th century, although we were unable to find records to confirm it. The reason for thier coming was undoubtedly religion or economics, or a combination of both. Savoie lies just below Geneva which was a hot-bed of Catholic-Protestant religious upheaval at about that time.
Many people in this part of Europe became Huguenots and came under severe persecution. Families were split in thier religious allegiances and many persons were put to death for their beliefs. At best, they were sorely ostracized and denied employment opportunites.
Thus, there was an exodus of many people to england and other parts of the world. The major relligious sect leaving French-speaking Europe at that time was the Huguenots. It was the best organized and kept good records of the names of members. However, these lists by no means include all the people who departed in search of safer and better living conditions. We diligently searched Huguenot records for the Bizel-Bizzell name but were unable to find it.
According to an English legend passed along by Aunt Ellen Bizzell (3079), the family left France during the Saint Bartholomew massacre. There was said to be two sections, of which the English branch landed in Ireland and the other continued on to South America. The English branch travelled up thru Ireland and eventually landed in England. If Aunt Ellen's legend is true, the branch going to South America must have perished or changed its surname. We have searched in vain for persons with the Bizel or Bizzell name in South America.
On the other hand, there is good evidence that the English branch of the family did land in Southeren Ireland and spent some time there before moving along into England. We have records of a Pat Bizle who came to America from Ireland about 1825. The shiplist stated that his ancestors were born in France. Moreover, during the course of our research, we obtained information from Francis W. Bizel of Malone, NY who stated that some of his ancestors left Ireland during the potato famine and settled near Chicago, IL and Malone, NY.
In order to minimize discrimination, many of the French immigrants attempted to anglicize their nemes. Forexample, the name Xavier was changed to Sevier. Most of the names simply would not pronounce properly in the English language. Indeed, the French name Bizel (pronounced Bee-Zell) came to be called Bizzle in English. Several attempts were made to adjust the spelling in order to achieve a more correct English pronunciation, thus there are several variations - the most widely used being Bizzell. In England today, the only variations we found were Bizzel, Bizzell and Bizzill.
With the assistance of John L. Bizzell of London, England, we made extensive searches for the Bizel-Bizzell name in early English records. The earliest record found was for Richard Bizzell who married in 1633 to Elizabeth Wells at Walford, Warwickshire. This date certainly agrees quite well with Aunt Ellen's legend.
Thomas Bizzell was the first person of record we were able to find in America and we believe he was born about 1655 in England. A land grant was issued to him in Nansemond County, Virginia Colony, on 20 Oct 1691 and indicates that he made a summer-time crossing of the Atlantic.
To determine if Thomas came to America as an indentured servant, an extensive search was made of early Virginia records. We found no evidence that he did and concluded that he must have paid his passage across the ocean (6 pounds if he came directly from England to Virginia). We believe he was about 35 years old when he received his land grant and imported four indentured servants.
The English Colonies were anxious for new settlers and the Crown encouraged such migration. Land patents (or grants) were given to colonists who would pay the fare across for new settlers. After a period of indenture, the new settler was free to enter business for himself, apply for a land grant and obtain his own indentured servants from the old country. Thus, thousands of young men and women made it to the new world and were able to establish themselves.
Whatever the reason for coming and the means for payment of passage across, all early immigrants had one experience in common - a long, dangerous and extremely unpleasant voyage across the Atlantic, In 1902, Henry F. Thompson read a paper before the Maryland Historical Society in Baltimore, giving an absorbing account of what Thomas Bizell and other such passengers experienced during their journey. It was entitled: An Atlantic Voyage in the Seventeenth Century.
Although Savoie did not become a part of France until 1860, the inhabitants have spoken French for many hundreds of years. For a brief review of the turbulent history of Savoie, see the chapter on French Bizels.
Etienne Bizel was the oldest Bizel we learned about and he lived at Albiez le Viex (Albiez the Old). Savoie during the early part of the 16th century. His birthdate is estimated to be about 1475. We believe Etienne was the grandfather of Reverend Pierre Bizel, an outstanding Catholic Priest and candidate for sainthood. Pierre was born in the year 1548 and a history of his life exists because of his remarkable religious career.
During the course of our research, we discovered many names similar to Bizel and Bizzell. These were Bazzell, Bozzell, Buzzell, Bissell and their many variations. In only a few cases was the name Bezzell found and we believe this was an English phonetic spelling of Bizzell. The French "i" pronounces "e", to give Bee-Zell. Thus, we acdcepted the one or two Bezzells as members of the Bizel-Bizzell family.
At least four possible derivations of the Bizel name came to our attention: First, Joseph Bizel believes the name derives from the village of Albiez. By letting the "a" mean "at", as it does in French, and rearranging the remaining letters, he gets the name "Joseph a Bizel". As time passed and people moved to other places, the "a"{ was dropped leaing the surname Bizel. Second, there may have been a hamlet or small village in eastern France by the name of Bizel. Mrs. Lillian Bizzell Taylor (3212) wrote us in Feb 1976 saying she remembered her grandfather Holland George Bizzell telling about a chateau in a small village called Bizel, that was near the border of Itally. Our reference amaterial on France was not sufficiently detailed to verify that such a place existed. Third, a hamlet named Bozel does exist in Moutiers, near the border of Italy. Bozel is in Savoie, about 40 kilometers NW from Albiez. The Bizels may have derived their name from this village. Fourth, the name may relate to the word bezel, which means the edge of a cutting tool, or the oblique face of a brilliant cut gem.
We are convinced the name originated in the French Alps, near the present-day border of Italy. It is indeed remarkable that the Bizel-Bizzell name has survived so well intact during the past 400 years.
It appears that some members of the Bizel family emigrated to England in the 16th century, although we were unable to find records to confirm it. The reason for thier coming was undoubtedly religion or economics, or a combination of both. Savoie lies just below Geneva which was a hot-bed of Catholic-Protestant religious upheaval at about that time.
Many people in this part of Europe became Huguenots and came under severe persecution. Families were split in thier religious allegiances and many persons were put to death for their beliefs. At best, they were sorely ostracized and denied employment opportunites.
Thus, there was an exodus of many people to england and other parts of the world. The major relligious sect leaving French-speaking Europe at that time was the Huguenots. It was the best organized and kept good records of the names of members. However, these lists by no means include all the people who departed in search of safer and better living conditions. We diligently searched Huguenot records for the Bizel-Bizzell name but were unable to find it.
According to an English legend passed along by Aunt Ellen Bizzell (3079), the family left France during the Saint Bartholomew massacre. There was said to be two sections, of which the English branch landed in Ireland and the other continued on to South America. The English branch travelled up thru Ireland and eventually landed in England. If Aunt Ellen's legend is true, the branch going to South America must have perished or changed its surname. We have searched in vain for persons with the Bizel or Bizzell name in South America.
On the other hand, there is good evidence that the English branch of the family did land in Southeren Ireland and spent some time there before moving along into England. We have records of a Pat Bizle who came to America from Ireland about 1825. The shiplist stated that his ancestors were born in France. Moreover, during the course of our research, we obtained information from Francis W. Bizel of Malone, NY who stated that some of his ancestors left Ireland during the potato famine and settled near Chicago, IL and Malone, NY.
In order to minimize discrimination, many of the French immigrants attempted to anglicize their nemes. Forexample, the name Xavier was changed to Sevier. Most of the names simply would not pronounce properly in the English language. Indeed, the French name Bizel (pronounced Bee-Zell) came to be called Bizzle in English. Several attempts were made to adjust the spelling in order to achieve a more correct English pronunciation, thus there are several variations - the most widely used being Bizzell. In England today, the only variations we found were Bizzel, Bizzell and Bizzill.
With the assistance of John L. Bizzell of London, England, we made extensive searches for the Bizel-Bizzell name in early English records. The earliest record found was for Richard Bizzell who married in 1633 to Elizabeth Wells at Walford, Warwickshire. This date certainly agrees quite well with Aunt Ellen's legend.
Thomas Bizzell was the first person of record we were able to find in America and we believe he was born about 1655 in England. A land grant was issued to him in Nansemond County, Virginia Colony, on 20 Oct 1691 and indicates that he made a summer-time crossing of the Atlantic.
To determine if Thomas came to America as an indentured servant, an extensive search was made of early Virginia records. We found no evidence that he did and concluded that he must have paid his passage across the ocean (6 pounds if he came directly from England to Virginia). We believe he was about 35 years old when he received his land grant and imported four indentured servants.
The English Colonies were anxious for new settlers and the Crown encouraged such migration. Land patents (or grants) were given to colonists who would pay the fare across for new settlers. After a period of indenture, the new settler was free to enter business for himself, apply for a land grant and obtain his own indentured servants from the old country. Thus, thousands of young men and women made it to the new world and were able to establish themselves.
Whatever the reason for coming and the means for payment of passage across, all early immigrants had one experience in common - a long, dangerous and extremely unpleasant voyage across the Atlantic, In 1902, Henry F. Thompson read a paper before the Maryland Historical Society in Baltimore, giving an absorbing account of what Thomas Bizell and other such passengers experienced during their journey. It was entitled: An Atlantic Voyage in the Seventeenth Century.
An Atlantic Voyage in the Seventeenth Century
The vessels which were in use in the seventeenth century were small, when judged by the ideas of sea-going ships of the present day, for there were few over two hundred tons, as an inspection of the few returns (which are extant) of the naval officers of the Patuxent and Potomac Rivers will show. Although a few ships were from three hundred to five hundred tons, the greater number of them were from one hundred and fifty to two hundred and fifty, and more were under than over two hundred.
They were broad in the bow, the forecastle and the poop were raised high above the main deck, the mainmast was placed in the middle of the ship, the foremast as near the bow as possible and the mizzen where the builder thought fit. The books on navigation and shipbuilding all speak of top gallant masts and sails but in no one of the log-books is there any mention of a sail above the topsail, although, of course, they speak of making and taking in the sails as well as of sending down topmasts and yards. They were but slow sailers and although instances occur of as much as eight miles an hour being made, it was when there was a fair wind and plenty of it, and with a smooth sea, but at no time was that rate kept up for twenty-four hours. When the wind was ahead, but slow progress was made, for no ship could sail "close to the wind", and often four or five miles was all there was to show for a whole day, and there were even times when they were further from their destination at the end of twenty-four hours than they were at the beginning. Rather thann keep on against a head wind they would "heave to" or "try" as they said in those days. The Bristow arrived in York River on 8th March, 1701, having left London on the 22nd October, and her Master writes "a more terrible passage has hardly been known by man. I have been on this coast near twelve weeks within forty or fifty leagues by all estimation." He had become separated from the fleet, for although the Gloster did not arrive until the day after the Bristow, the latter found on her arrival severa vessels which left ondon with her, but which had been in port eight or nine weeks.
Indeed, there is nothing in which a voyage, two hundred years ago, differed more from one today, than in the great uncetainty as to the time which was to be spent in going from one port to the other.
When a passenger started from London, he could not say within many weeks how long he ws to be on board the ship which was to take him to Maryland or Virginia, for, of the eleven voyages of which we have records, they were from forty-seven to one hundred and thirty-eight days from London to the Capes, and from thirty-two days to one hundred and thirteen on their way home.
The same vessel varied from forty-seven days to one hundred and two days, in coming from London, and from thirty-two to fifty-two in returning home.
A ship would often be three or four weeks from London before she took her departure from the Lizard, detained in the Downs or some port by head winds or storms, and it must have been an inspiring sight, after a storm to see the numerous vessels getting under way from the Downs; for there would be hundreds of vessels starting out for all parts of the world, the vessels bound for the Chesapeake Bay often numbering forty or fifty, as the captain of one of them says, "We Virginians keeping together", the name Virginian being often applied to all vessels bound in the Capes.
When the fleet was clear of the land, they steered for the Azores, and one or more ships generally sighted Flores and Corves, the most westerly of the islands. Then they steered for Cape Henry, and deviated as little as possible from a straight course, for their latitude they could find every day at noon, by means of their quadrants, but their longitude they could only estimate by calculating the distance run and the course steered making allowances for currents, leeway or a heavy sea knocking them off their course. Notwithstanding this rather uncertain calculation, they were not far out of the way when they began sounding to find out if they were near land.
Although a large fleet of fifty or sixty vessels might leave England, they soon became more or less scattered, although there were some vessels always in sight of each other, and frequently in calm weather there were visits between the officers and passengers of the different vessels, who dined or spent whole days, of which custom the following extract from the log-book of the Johanna gives an example: "Mr. Baker hoysted out his boat and came on board of us. We spared them some tobacco to pipe, for it was very scarce with them. About 5 oclocke they went aboard again: the master of her was sufficiently in drink before he went".
It may be supposed that the great uncertainty as to the duration of the voyage would have caused some trouble in providing sufficient food and water for so many persons, but the food was composed principally of bread or sea biscuits, salt meat, peas and cheese, all which would keep well for many months, and therefore it was only the space required for enough food and water that gave any trouble, and when it is recollected that it would be necessary to carry food and water for one hundred persons for a voyage lasting perhaps five months it is evident that the provisions which were necessary would occupy a great deal of space.
In a contract made with the owners of the ship Nassau, of five hundred tons, to carry one hundred and fifty or more passengers to Virginia, the following stipulations were made in regard to food. The passengers to have the same allowance of food as the sailors, that is to say: "they were to have their allowance of bread, butter and cheese weekly, and the rest of the provisions were to be distributed daily: each passenger, over six years of age, was to have seven pounds of bread every week, each mess of eight to have two pieces of pork (each piece to be two pounds) with pease five days in the week, and on the other two days four pounds of beef with pease each day, or four pounds of beef with a pudding, with pease for the two days, and in case the kettle could not be boiled each passenger was to have one pound of cheese every day. Children under six years of age to have such allowance in flour, oatmeal, fruit, sugar and butter as the overseers of them shall judge fit."
There were in this ship one hundred and ninety-one passengers, of whom twenty-five were under twelve years of age, and although there were some of all ranks in life there seems to have been no difference made between them as to diet and lodging.
The ordinary price of a passage to Maryland or Virginia was six pounds, but for this large party the price was five pounds, for each person over twelve years of age, and half price for children under that age.
The ship Johanna was on her way from London to Virginia in March 1674, when the following incident occurred, viz.: "About 12 o'clock last night some of our people saw something walke in the shape of a dog and after that it was heard betwixted a cry like a child and sometimes knocking without bord, and the dog that belonged to the ship run whining up and down and crept in among the passengers. I pray God dyliver us from all evil."
Nothing happened to them on the voyage, and they arrived in Virginia after a qhick passage, and without any accident, but two years later on the same ship something happened which caused the death of two men, but what it was is not very clear. "One of our servants was missing, judged he fell overboard and drowned: and another had his leg cut ofe, his other being cut sometime before - they were boath Capt. Beales servants".
If the vessels were long in crossing the ocean, they were also some time in port, before they were ready to return home.
The Constant Friendhsip arrived in The Saint Mary's river on the 20th December 1671, and the next day, the Master went ashore and entered the ship at the Custom House. They lay there ten days, landing passengers and goods, and then sailed for the Patuxent "to do some business there", and while there they buried a passenger, the 2nd mate, and one of the seamen. At the end of the week they sailed for the "Seavorne" which they reached at 2 a.m., sailing in boldly, "there being moonlight and fair weather." For two months and a half, they were delivering goods and taking in tobacco. some of the English goods were consigned to different persons, and some were sold from the ship, payment being made in tobacco. The ship lay at anchor in the river, and the tobacco was brought off in shallops from the landing to which it had been rolled from the plantations. By the 25th March, they had on board about five hundred and fifty hogsheads and they sailed for the Patuxent, where they took in more tobacco, and then went to St. Mary's where by the end of April they finished their loading, having seven hundred and eight hogsheads on board, and cleared the ship when they were ready to sail.
The ships generally spent three or four months in the rivers, delivering their goods and taking in tobacco, which was taken on freight, or obtained by "trucking" as it was called, that is to say, bartering the English goods for tobacco, or sometimes the skins of wild animals, of which a goodly number were exported in the early days of the Colony. When the loading was finished, and the ship was cleared and ready for sea, they went to Lynnhaven Bay, where the fleet for England was made up, and received their sailing orders. One of the fleet was named as the Flag ship, and her commander was appointed Admiral with certain authority over the Masters of the other ships, subject of course to the orders of the Commander of the Men-of-War who convoyed the fleet off the coast or at times all the way to England. A Man-of-War lay in the Chesapeake, whose duty among other things was to convoy the ships 25 or 30 leagues off the coast, for there was great danger of an attack by pirates who hovered about the coast, and sometimes ran into the bays and harbours to make a capture, but seldom, if ever, roamed over the ocean in search of their prey. The Governor of Virginia, at times, went out in the Man-of-War to see the fleet safely on their way, and when he arrived on board, most of the ships fired a salute, for they all had guns, and a gunner was a member of every ship's company as surely as a carpenter or sailmaker.
A "fleet" frequently numbered fifty vessels or more, and on the 31st July 1702 one hundred and fifty vessels sailed out of the Capes convoyed by four Men-of-War.
Even when there was war between Great Britain and some other country there ws not much danger of capture on the high seas, but when they got near the land the privateers, or "Capers", as Dutch privateers were called were cruising about, watching for the incoming ships, and sometimes capturing and carrying them off. One such incident is told in the log-book of tehJohanna, under the date of July 1676: "When Tward of Beachy Head saw severall shallops, French Privateers come up with us and commanded our boat out and us by the lee, but I would not being able to Deale with them: we saw them clap several vessels aboard and plunder them and caryed two away, at 10 o'clock in the night two came up with us together which command us to strick and by the lee which I would not, they fired 3 upon the forecassell and poynted them aft at them for they intended to come abord upon the quarter, we could nott bring a gun to beare upon them until we had done so: the french seeing us in preparation to defend ourselves bid us good night and left us after many bad words which passed between us. We fired not at them." The encounter with the privateers ended happily enough, nothing worse than an exchange of "bad words" having happened, but owing to the preparations for defence, one of the men on the Johanna lost his life, as the log-book tells in the following words: "Att 3 of Clock this morning the carpenters mate being laid down to sleep upon the forehatch by the windlass and one of the guns upon the forecassel standing upon a pease, and my mate goeing up on the for Cassel tooke holde of the mussell of the gun, which oversett it, it not being lashed, it dumbled doune upon the deck and bruised the head of the carpenters mate and broke his scull very much, he dyed presently which was a very sad accident. We keept him until he was could and stiff and buryd him in the sea of the South forland, which I pray God have mercy upon his soule for he was suddenly taken out of this world."
They were broad in the bow, the forecastle and the poop were raised high above the main deck, the mainmast was placed in the middle of the ship, the foremast as near the bow as possible and the mizzen where the builder thought fit. The books on navigation and shipbuilding all speak of top gallant masts and sails but in no one of the log-books is there any mention of a sail above the topsail, although, of course, they speak of making and taking in the sails as well as of sending down topmasts and yards. They were but slow sailers and although instances occur of as much as eight miles an hour being made, it was when there was a fair wind and plenty of it, and with a smooth sea, but at no time was that rate kept up for twenty-four hours. When the wind was ahead, but slow progress was made, for no ship could sail "close to the wind", and often four or five miles was all there was to show for a whole day, and there were even times when they were further from their destination at the end of twenty-four hours than they were at the beginning. Rather thann keep on against a head wind they would "heave to" or "try" as they said in those days. The Bristow arrived in York River on 8th March, 1701, having left London on the 22nd October, and her Master writes "a more terrible passage has hardly been known by man. I have been on this coast near twelve weeks within forty or fifty leagues by all estimation." He had become separated from the fleet, for although the Gloster did not arrive until the day after the Bristow, the latter found on her arrival severa vessels which left ondon with her, but which had been in port eight or nine weeks.
Indeed, there is nothing in which a voyage, two hundred years ago, differed more from one today, than in the great uncetainty as to the time which was to be spent in going from one port to the other.
When a passenger started from London, he could not say within many weeks how long he ws to be on board the ship which was to take him to Maryland or Virginia, for, of the eleven voyages of which we have records, they were from forty-seven to one hundred and thirty-eight days from London to the Capes, and from thirty-two days to one hundred and thirteen on their way home.
The same vessel varied from forty-seven days to one hundred and two days, in coming from London, and from thirty-two to fifty-two in returning home.
A ship would often be three or four weeks from London before she took her departure from the Lizard, detained in the Downs or some port by head winds or storms, and it must have been an inspiring sight, after a storm to see the numerous vessels getting under way from the Downs; for there would be hundreds of vessels starting out for all parts of the world, the vessels bound for the Chesapeake Bay often numbering forty or fifty, as the captain of one of them says, "We Virginians keeping together", the name Virginian being often applied to all vessels bound in the Capes.
When the fleet was clear of the land, they steered for the Azores, and one or more ships generally sighted Flores and Corves, the most westerly of the islands. Then they steered for Cape Henry, and deviated as little as possible from a straight course, for their latitude they could find every day at noon, by means of their quadrants, but their longitude they could only estimate by calculating the distance run and the course steered making allowances for currents, leeway or a heavy sea knocking them off their course. Notwithstanding this rather uncertain calculation, they were not far out of the way when they began sounding to find out if they were near land.
Although a large fleet of fifty or sixty vessels might leave England, they soon became more or less scattered, although there were some vessels always in sight of each other, and frequently in calm weather there were visits between the officers and passengers of the different vessels, who dined or spent whole days, of which custom the following extract from the log-book of the Johanna gives an example: "Mr. Baker hoysted out his boat and came on board of us. We spared them some tobacco to pipe, for it was very scarce with them. About 5 oclocke they went aboard again: the master of her was sufficiently in drink before he went".
It may be supposed that the great uncertainty as to the duration of the voyage would have caused some trouble in providing sufficient food and water for so many persons, but the food was composed principally of bread or sea biscuits, salt meat, peas and cheese, all which would keep well for many months, and therefore it was only the space required for enough food and water that gave any trouble, and when it is recollected that it would be necessary to carry food and water for one hundred persons for a voyage lasting perhaps five months it is evident that the provisions which were necessary would occupy a great deal of space.
In a contract made with the owners of the ship Nassau, of five hundred tons, to carry one hundred and fifty or more passengers to Virginia, the following stipulations were made in regard to food. The passengers to have the same allowance of food as the sailors, that is to say: "they were to have their allowance of bread, butter and cheese weekly, and the rest of the provisions were to be distributed daily: each passenger, over six years of age, was to have seven pounds of bread every week, each mess of eight to have two pieces of pork (each piece to be two pounds) with pease five days in the week, and on the other two days four pounds of beef with pease each day, or four pounds of beef with a pudding, with pease for the two days, and in case the kettle could not be boiled each passenger was to have one pound of cheese every day. Children under six years of age to have such allowance in flour, oatmeal, fruit, sugar and butter as the overseers of them shall judge fit."
There were in this ship one hundred and ninety-one passengers, of whom twenty-five were under twelve years of age, and although there were some of all ranks in life there seems to have been no difference made between them as to diet and lodging.
The ordinary price of a passage to Maryland or Virginia was six pounds, but for this large party the price was five pounds, for each person over twelve years of age, and half price for children under that age.
The ship Johanna was on her way from London to Virginia in March 1674, when the following incident occurred, viz.: "About 12 o'clock last night some of our people saw something walke in the shape of a dog and after that it was heard betwixted a cry like a child and sometimes knocking without bord, and the dog that belonged to the ship run whining up and down and crept in among the passengers. I pray God dyliver us from all evil."
Nothing happened to them on the voyage, and they arrived in Virginia after a qhick passage, and without any accident, but two years later on the same ship something happened which caused the death of two men, but what it was is not very clear. "One of our servants was missing, judged he fell overboard and drowned: and another had his leg cut ofe, his other being cut sometime before - they were boath Capt. Beales servants".
If the vessels were long in crossing the ocean, they were also some time in port, before they were ready to return home.
The Constant Friendhsip arrived in The Saint Mary's river on the 20th December 1671, and the next day, the Master went ashore and entered the ship at the Custom House. They lay there ten days, landing passengers and goods, and then sailed for the Patuxent "to do some business there", and while there they buried a passenger, the 2nd mate, and one of the seamen. At the end of the week they sailed for the "Seavorne" which they reached at 2 a.m., sailing in boldly, "there being moonlight and fair weather." For two months and a half, they were delivering goods and taking in tobacco. some of the English goods were consigned to different persons, and some were sold from the ship, payment being made in tobacco. The ship lay at anchor in the river, and the tobacco was brought off in shallops from the landing to which it had been rolled from the plantations. By the 25th March, they had on board about five hundred and fifty hogsheads and they sailed for the Patuxent, where they took in more tobacco, and then went to St. Mary's where by the end of April they finished their loading, having seven hundred and eight hogsheads on board, and cleared the ship when they were ready to sail.
The ships generally spent three or four months in the rivers, delivering their goods and taking in tobacco, which was taken on freight, or obtained by "trucking" as it was called, that is to say, bartering the English goods for tobacco, or sometimes the skins of wild animals, of which a goodly number were exported in the early days of the Colony. When the loading was finished, and the ship was cleared and ready for sea, they went to Lynnhaven Bay, where the fleet for England was made up, and received their sailing orders. One of the fleet was named as the Flag ship, and her commander was appointed Admiral with certain authority over the Masters of the other ships, subject of course to the orders of the Commander of the Men-of-War who convoyed the fleet off the coast or at times all the way to England. A Man-of-War lay in the Chesapeake, whose duty among other things was to convoy the ships 25 or 30 leagues off the coast, for there was great danger of an attack by pirates who hovered about the coast, and sometimes ran into the bays and harbours to make a capture, but seldom, if ever, roamed over the ocean in search of their prey. The Governor of Virginia, at times, went out in the Man-of-War to see the fleet safely on their way, and when he arrived on board, most of the ships fired a salute, for they all had guns, and a gunner was a member of every ship's company as surely as a carpenter or sailmaker.
A "fleet" frequently numbered fifty vessels or more, and on the 31st July 1702 one hundred and fifty vessels sailed out of the Capes convoyed by four Men-of-War.
Even when there was war between Great Britain and some other country there ws not much danger of capture on the high seas, but when they got near the land the privateers, or "Capers", as Dutch privateers were called were cruising about, watching for the incoming ships, and sometimes capturing and carrying them off. One such incident is told in the log-book of tehJohanna, under the date of July 1676: "When Tward of Beachy Head saw severall shallops, French Privateers come up with us and commanded our boat out and us by the lee, but I would not being able to Deale with them: we saw them clap several vessels aboard and plunder them and caryed two away, at 10 o'clock in the night two came up with us together which command us to strick and by the lee which I would not, they fired 3 upon the forecassell and poynted them aft at them for they intended to come abord upon the quarter, we could nott bring a gun to beare upon them until we had done so: the french seeing us in preparation to defend ourselves bid us good night and left us after many bad words which passed between us. We fired not at them." The encounter with the privateers ended happily enough, nothing worse than an exchange of "bad words" having happened, but owing to the preparations for defence, one of the men on the Johanna lost his life, as the log-book tells in the following words: "Att 3 of Clock this morning the carpenters mate being laid down to sleep upon the forehatch by the windlass and one of the guns upon the forecassel standing upon a pease, and my mate goeing up on the for Cassel tooke holde of the mussell of the gun, which oversett it, it not being lashed, it dumbled doune upon the deck and bruised the head of the carpenters mate and broke his scull very much, he dyed presently which was a very sad accident. We keept him until he was could and stiff and buryd him in the sea of the South forland, which I pray God have mercy upon his soule for he was suddenly taken out of this world."
Living Conditions in Colonial America
These early settlers in America lived under conditions far different from those prevailing in the world's richest and most prosperous nation today. Life was one of hardship for most people and peril for many.
America was overwhelmingly a wilderness in colonial days, with only a few main cities such as Philadelphia, New York, Boston and Charleston. In 1774, Philadelphia was the largest with nearly 40,000 people. The total population in the 13 Colonies was about 2.5 million, of whom more than one fifth were Negro slaves. European settlements were only small dots on the map of North America, dominated, except for anarrow strip along the Atlantic shore, by untamed forests, prairies and mountains.
The vast bulk of what is now the USA was the nearly exclusive domain of native Indians, whose long and losing struggle to retain their lands still was decades away from a climax.
In the mid 18th century, incoming immigrants could scarcely find New York or Boston even when their tiny ships were only a mile or two offshore. To such men and women, the coastline from that distance appeared to be nothing but woodsland, and the scent of the forest oftentimes was detected before land was sighted.
Children in the 18th century lived very differently from the relatively free-wheeling youth of 1976. A book on colonial etiquette advised youngsters: "Never sit down at the table till asked - Ask for nothing: tarry till it be offered thee - Sing not, hum not, wiggle not. Spit nowhere in the room but in the corner. When any speak to thee, stand up."
Class distinction, imported from Europe, soon began to break down in some of the towns, although the old aristocracy hung on as best it could. In New England, a wealthy landowner was formally addressed as "esquire", followed on the social scale by "master", a term frequently applied to clergymen. About 1 in 14 was a professional man called "mister". A yoeman farmer was addressed as "goodman".
The mass of the people were independent farmers, many of whom had cleared the virgin forest and were raising crops and herds that provided their families with comfortable livings, but few frills. The early Bizzells in America appear to have fallen within this class. These families often had one or two-room cottages with dirt floors. Rude windows were made of paper coated with lard. A small poster, printed in England in 1622, illustrates the homely origins of the affluent US society. The poster advised settlers what things they needed "for their better suport at thier first landing in Virginia". On the brief list were such items as: 3 shirts, 3 paire of Irish stockings, 8 bushels of meale, 1 gallon of oyle, 1 musket, 20 pounds of powder, 60 pounds of shot or led, 2 broad axes, 2 hammers. The complete list of "household implements: suggested for the well-equiped Amerian housewife of 1622 was "1 iron pot, 1 kettle, 1 large frying pan, 1 gridiron, 2 skillets, 1 spit, platters, dishes, spoones of wood". Despite regional diffferences between the English-educated Southern Gentry and the austere New England Puritans, important links started to develop between the two ends of the narrow country. One important connection was a main roadway, built before the Revolutionary War, from Boston to Charleston, via New York and Philadelphia, with ferry boat service across wide waterways. Most freight and passengers, however, moved by ship on the long routes. In 1774, it took about six days to travel from New York to Boston, but improved stage coach service cut this to only four days by 1775. Today, by jet, the journey usually takes 45 minutes. On colonial stage coach runs, passengers ordinarily stayed overnight at crowded inns along the roadway. Four or five strangers, both men and women, frequently were bunched together in one room.
Many early American records were lost because of conditions along the frontier. Some people were illiterate and could not spell their name. Record keepers resorted to phonetic spelling and were more concerned with artistic penmanship than accuracy. Court was held in people's homes and records were hauled over great distances in horse-carts, in all kinds of weather. Where courthouses existed, they were usually flammable and many were burned by indicted persons seeking to destroy evidence against them. Other losses occurred during the civil War, 1861-65, when Union forces deliberately burned many Southern Courthouses.
In Hertford County, NC, which is important to the Bizzell history, we learned that a person was caught with some stolen meat from his neighbor's smokehouse, and the evidence was taken to the courthouse to await trail. Mysteriously, the courthouse caught fire during the middle of the night and burned to the ground, along with the evidence and all the county records.
Most colonies had one or more newspapers which carried lively debate about current issues. Arguments over religion, politics, fashions and personal affairs abounded in print as well as in ale houses and town meetings. London was still the final authority in legal issues, but many matters were resolved by the locally elected colonial legislatures.
At the time of the American Revolution in 1776, it was apparent that America had evolved into something quite different from the old European model, despite Britain's best efforts to hold back the tide.
Late in the 19th century, there was a Bizzell Hamlet, or Community, in Wayne Co., NC which had its own post office called Bizzell. In 1896, it had a population of 20 and was situated in what had been Captain Jesse Bizzell's Census and Tax District in 1800. The post office was later abolished and the hamlet absorbed into the larger Grantham Community some 3 miles south. The location of Bizzell Post Office is noted on old post route maps.
America was overwhelmingly a wilderness in colonial days, with only a few main cities such as Philadelphia, New York, Boston and Charleston. In 1774, Philadelphia was the largest with nearly 40,000 people. The total population in the 13 Colonies was about 2.5 million, of whom more than one fifth were Negro slaves. European settlements were only small dots on the map of North America, dominated, except for anarrow strip along the Atlantic shore, by untamed forests, prairies and mountains.
The vast bulk of what is now the USA was the nearly exclusive domain of native Indians, whose long and losing struggle to retain their lands still was decades away from a climax.
In the mid 18th century, incoming immigrants could scarcely find New York or Boston even when their tiny ships were only a mile or two offshore. To such men and women, the coastline from that distance appeared to be nothing but woodsland, and the scent of the forest oftentimes was detected before land was sighted.
Children in the 18th century lived very differently from the relatively free-wheeling youth of 1976. A book on colonial etiquette advised youngsters: "Never sit down at the table till asked - Ask for nothing: tarry till it be offered thee - Sing not, hum not, wiggle not. Spit nowhere in the room but in the corner. When any speak to thee, stand up."
Class distinction, imported from Europe, soon began to break down in some of the towns, although the old aristocracy hung on as best it could. In New England, a wealthy landowner was formally addressed as "esquire", followed on the social scale by "master", a term frequently applied to clergymen. About 1 in 14 was a professional man called "mister". A yoeman farmer was addressed as "goodman".
The mass of the people were independent farmers, many of whom had cleared the virgin forest and were raising crops and herds that provided their families with comfortable livings, but few frills. The early Bizzells in America appear to have fallen within this class. These families often had one or two-room cottages with dirt floors. Rude windows were made of paper coated with lard. A small poster, printed in England in 1622, illustrates the homely origins of the affluent US society. The poster advised settlers what things they needed "for their better suport at thier first landing in Virginia". On the brief list were such items as: 3 shirts, 3 paire of Irish stockings, 8 bushels of meale, 1 gallon of oyle, 1 musket, 20 pounds of powder, 60 pounds of shot or led, 2 broad axes, 2 hammers. The complete list of "household implements: suggested for the well-equiped Amerian housewife of 1622 was "1 iron pot, 1 kettle, 1 large frying pan, 1 gridiron, 2 skillets, 1 spit, platters, dishes, spoones of wood". Despite regional diffferences between the English-educated Southern Gentry and the austere New England Puritans, important links started to develop between the two ends of the narrow country. One important connection was a main roadway, built before the Revolutionary War, from Boston to Charleston, via New York and Philadelphia, with ferry boat service across wide waterways. Most freight and passengers, however, moved by ship on the long routes. In 1774, it took about six days to travel from New York to Boston, but improved stage coach service cut this to only four days by 1775. Today, by jet, the journey usually takes 45 minutes. On colonial stage coach runs, passengers ordinarily stayed overnight at crowded inns along the roadway. Four or five strangers, both men and women, frequently were bunched together in one room.
Many early American records were lost because of conditions along the frontier. Some people were illiterate and could not spell their name. Record keepers resorted to phonetic spelling and were more concerned with artistic penmanship than accuracy. Court was held in people's homes and records were hauled over great distances in horse-carts, in all kinds of weather. Where courthouses existed, they were usually flammable and many were burned by indicted persons seeking to destroy evidence against them. Other losses occurred during the civil War, 1861-65, when Union forces deliberately burned many Southern Courthouses.
In Hertford County, NC, which is important to the Bizzell history, we learned that a person was caught with some stolen meat from his neighbor's smokehouse, and the evidence was taken to the courthouse to await trail. Mysteriously, the courthouse caught fire during the middle of the night and burned to the ground, along with the evidence and all the county records.
Most colonies had one or more newspapers which carried lively debate about current issues. Arguments over religion, politics, fashions and personal affairs abounded in print as well as in ale houses and town meetings. London was still the final authority in legal issues, but many matters were resolved by the locally elected colonial legislatures.
At the time of the American Revolution in 1776, it was apparent that America had evolved into something quite different from the old European model, despite Britain's best efforts to hold back the tide.
Late in the 19th century, there was a Bizzell Hamlet, or Community, in Wayne Co., NC which had its own post office called Bizzell. In 1896, it had a population of 20 and was situated in what had been Captain Jesse Bizzell's Census and Tax District in 1800. The post office was later abolished and the hamlet absorbed into the larger Grantham Community some 3 miles south. The location of Bizzell Post Office is noted on old post route maps.
Three Bizzell Brothers
In keeping with the American legend, we believe there were indeed three Bizzell brothers from which most present-day white members of the family descend. However, they were not immigrants from the old country but second generation Americans who quit the Upper Parish of Nansemond County, Virginia around 1760 and moved southward into the Carolina Colony. This area later became the State of North Carolina.
These three men undoubtedly made several excursions southward into the Carolina area before moving their families there. The countryside was still mostly wilderness and there were many hazards, especially for women and children. Numerous Tuscarora and Neusiock Indians were living in the area.
We found records of these three men witnessing land deeds for others in several places in Carolina before 1760. At the 1880 Boone County, Arkansas census, David Everett Bizzell (88) reported that his father David (23) was born in Virginia; so some family members apparently were living there as late as ca 1761. Because their names have been reused by so many members of succeeding generations, we identify these three by their original land holdings and places of abode in Carolina. Thus, we came to know them as Falling-creek Thomas (5),
Mill-creek John (6) and Stony-creek William (7). We believe all three were sons of John (4) and grandsons of Thomas (1) who came directly from England. Since all three brothers appear to have left Virginia at about the same time, their departure may have been prompted by the death of their father and division or sale of the family lands granted in 1691 and 1717. Extensive searches were made for records of these three persons in Virginia but apparently all such records were burned in the Nansemond County courthouse fire.
We believe they were brothers because they settled close together in Dobbs and Duplin Counties. There was a loan of slaves between their families, appointment of executors of estates, guardians, etc, as verified by North Carolina court Records. At the 1810 census, Hannah Bizzell, widow of William (7), had departed her Duplin county home and was living next-door to Jesse (15) and Asher (45) Bizzell in Wayne Co.
Additional records on these three brothers may exist but we were unable to find them. Most such records undoubtedly were lost in the Lenoir (old Dobbs) courthouse fire, shipwrecks, ravages of the civil War and general negligence of succeeding generations to keep such things as old family Bibles with lists of parents and children.
These three men undoubtedly made several excursions southward into the Carolina area before moving their families there. The countryside was still mostly wilderness and there were many hazards, especially for women and children. Numerous Tuscarora and Neusiock Indians were living in the area.
We found records of these three men witnessing land deeds for others in several places in Carolina before 1760. At the 1880 Boone County, Arkansas census, David Everett Bizzell (88) reported that his father David (23) was born in Virginia; so some family members apparently were living there as late as ca 1761. Because their names have been reused by so many members of succeeding generations, we identify these three by their original land holdings and places of abode in Carolina. Thus, we came to know them as Falling-creek Thomas (5),
Mill-creek John (6) and Stony-creek William (7). We believe all three were sons of John (4) and grandsons of Thomas (1) who came directly from England. Since all three brothers appear to have left Virginia at about the same time, their departure may have been prompted by the death of their father and division or sale of the family lands granted in 1691 and 1717. Extensive searches were made for records of these three persons in Virginia but apparently all such records were burned in the Nansemond County courthouse fire.
We believe they were brothers because they settled close together in Dobbs and Duplin Counties. There was a loan of slaves between their families, appointment of executors of estates, guardians, etc, as verified by North Carolina court Records. At the 1810 census, Hannah Bizzell, widow of William (7), had departed her Duplin county home and was living next-door to Jesse (15) and Asher (45) Bizzell in Wayne Co.
Additional records on these three brothers may exist but we were unable to find them. Most such records undoubtedly were lost in the Lenoir (old Dobbs) courthouse fire, shipwrecks, ravages of the civil War and general negligence of succeeding generations to keep such things as old family Bibles with lists of parents and children.
American Bizzells, Bizel, Bizell, Bizzel, Bizzle, Bizzelle, Bizill
1655 -- 1700 (page 8 - The Bizzell Book)
No. 1: Thomas Bizell was the first person of record we were able to find in America. We believe he was born ca 1655 in England -- also see Thomas Bizell (3010) under English Bizzells.A land grant was issued to him in Nan semond Co. VA, 20 Oct 1691. The patent, or deed, is quoted in its entirety to show the legal phrases in use a the time and how indentured servantss were bound as a part of the transaction: "To all -- whereas -- now know ye that I the said Francis Nicholson, Esquire, Lt. Governor, give and grant to Thomas Bizell one hundred and seventy acres of lan d lying and being at a p0lace called Kingsayle in the upper parish of Nansemond County, beginning at a white oak a corner tree to the land of Francis Sanders standing on the south side of Queens Graves Swamp and running North eighty on degrees East one hundred and sixty poles to a poplar standing on a branch of the swanp, thence North nine degrees west one hundres and sixty poles to a pine, thence South eighty one degrees West to the intersecting of Francis Sanders his line, thence by the said Sanders his line South and by East Halfe Easterly one hundred and sixty poles to the first station, the said land being due, by and for the Importation of four persons, to have and to hold, to be held, yielding and paying, provided, dated ye 20th day of October Anno Dolmini 1691. --Tho. Pohers, Nath. Pile, Gra. Dorrie, James Pollon." Thus, ther persons imported were Thomas Pohers, Nathaniel Pile, Graham Dorrie, and James Pollon, and the patent was recorded in book 8, 1689 to 1695, page 176, VA State Library, Richmond, VA --Using an 1820 map on file at the VA State Library, we determined that Kingsayle was located near a place called South Quay Towne which lay along the Blackwater River, not far from the corner of Isle of Wight, Southampton and Nansemond Counties, Kingsayle Creek appears to flow into Wickham Swamp (see 1694 land patent below) which lies east of Blackwater River. In 1975, South Quay was still a place name along VA highway 189, ca 10 miles above the NC border. --To determine if Thomas came to America as an indentured servant, an extensive search was made of early VA records. We found no evidence that he did and concluded thaqt he must have paid for his passage across the ocean (6 pounds or less if he came directly from England to VA). We believe he must have been about 35 yrs old when he received his land grant and imported 4 indentured servants. --In an effort to obtain more information about Thomas, we made a visit to the Nansemond Courthouse. However, all early county records were lost during two burnings of the courthouse during the 19th century. Also, a search for records on this person was made at the Public Records Office in London, but without6 success. Thus, except for land patents issued directly by the Crown or the Territorial Governor, there appears little hope for finding additional information about Thomas. --Another land patent for 208 acres in Nansemond County was issued to Thomas Bissell on 20 Apr 1694. This was on the head branches of Wickham Swamp, adjacent to the lands of Col. Milner, Capt. Lear and Robert Carr. The patent was for importation from Elgland of 5 persons: James Dawson, Leonard Sheldon, William Pierce, Francis Theterson and Benjamin Lucas, and is recorded in bk. 8, p. 346. Since this land lay very close to the 1691 grant, it was either to the same person or to a man named Bissell who must have previously know Thomas Bizell. --Another county court record, 1721 - 1723, showed that Thomas Bozell (or Bizell) sold land in Perquimans Co., NM. This county lies just to the south of Nansemond Col Note:
land in Perquimans Co., NM. This county lies just to the south of Nansemond Col Note:
There is evidence that Bizells also were in the adjacent Hertford Co., NC area, which was not formally established as a county untiil 1759; and in the Edgecombe Co., NC area, which was not established as a county until 1741. Early records in Hertford, however, were lost in several burnings of the courthouse.
No. 1: Thomas Bizell was the first person of record we were able to find in America. We believe he was born ca 1655 in England -- also see Thomas Bizell (3010) under English Bizzells.A land grant was issued to him in Nan semond Co. VA, 20 Oct 1691. The patent, or deed, is quoted in its entirety to show the legal phrases in use a the time and how indentured servantss were bound as a part of the transaction: "To all -- whereas -- now know ye that I the said Francis Nicholson, Esquire, Lt. Governor, give and grant to Thomas Bizell one hundred and seventy acres of lan d lying and being at a p0lace called Kingsayle in the upper parish of Nansemond County, beginning at a white oak a corner tree to the land of Francis Sanders standing on the south side of Queens Graves Swamp and running North eighty on degrees East one hundred and sixty poles to a poplar standing on a branch of the swanp, thence North nine degrees west one hundres and sixty poles to a pine, thence South eighty one degrees West to the intersecting of Francis Sanders his line, thence by the said Sanders his line South and by East Halfe Easterly one hundred and sixty poles to the first station, the said land being due, by and for the Importation of four persons, to have and to hold, to be held, yielding and paying, provided, dated ye 20th day of October Anno Dolmini 1691. --Tho. Pohers, Nath. Pile, Gra. Dorrie, James Pollon." Thus, ther persons imported were Thomas Pohers, Nathaniel Pile, Graham Dorrie, and James Pollon, and the patent was recorded in book 8, 1689 to 1695, page 176, VA State Library, Richmond, VA --Using an 1820 map on file at the VA State Library, we determined that Kingsayle was located near a place called South Quay Towne which lay along the Blackwater River, not far from the corner of Isle of Wight, Southampton and Nansemond Counties, Kingsayle Creek appears to flow into Wickham Swamp (see 1694 land patent below) which lies east of Blackwater River. In 1975, South Quay was still a place name along VA highway 189, ca 10 miles above the NC border. --To determine if Thomas came to America as an indentured servant, an extensive search was made of early VA records. We found no evidence that he did and concluded thaqt he must have paid for his passage across the ocean (6 pounds or less if he came directly from England to VA). We believe he must have been about 35 yrs old when he received his land grant and imported 4 indentured servants. --In an effort to obtain more information about Thomas, we made a visit to the Nansemond Courthouse. However, all early county records were lost during two burnings of the courthouse during the 19th century. Also, a search for records on this person was made at the Public Records Office in London, but without6 success. Thus, except for land patents issued directly by the Crown or the Territorial Governor, there appears little hope for finding additional information about Thomas. --Another land patent for 208 acres in Nansemond County was issued to Thomas Bissell on 20 Apr 1694. This was on the head branches of Wickham Swamp, adjacent to the lands of Col. Milner, Capt. Lear and Robert Carr. The patent was for importation from Elgland of 5 persons: James Dawson, Leonard Sheldon, William Pierce, Francis Theterson and Benjamin Lucas, and is recorded in bk. 8, p. 346. Since this land lay very close to the 1691 grant, it was either to the same person or to a man named Bissell who must have previously know Thomas Bizell. --Another county court record, 1721 - 1723, showed that Thomas Bozell (or Bizell) sold land in Perquimans Co., NM. This county lies just to the south of Nansemond Col Note:
land in Perquimans Co., NM. This county lies just to the south of Nansemond Col Note:
There is evidence that Bizells also were in the adjacent Hertford Co., NC area, which was not formally established as a county untiil 1759; and in the Edgecombe Co., NC area, which was not established as a county until 1741. Early records in Hertford, however, were lost in several burnings of the courthouse.
American Bizzells 1701-1750
1701 -- 1730
No. 5: Thomas Bizzell, believed to be the son of John (4), was born ca 1718, p. in Nansemond Co., VA. on 28 Jan 1750, he witnessed a land deed from William Cain to Jacob Flowers in Edgecombe Co., NC. NC land grant no. 79 for 300 acres was entered for a Thomas Bizell on 21 Apr 1762. The land lay on the north side of Upper Falling Creek, Dobbs Co., NC and was issued 22 Feb 1764. In another transaction, grant no. 366 was made to a Thomas Bizzell. It was for 300 acres, located on the south side of Neuse River, dobbs co. and was entered 25 Oct 1765 and issued 29 Apre 1768. These actions appear to be by and for the same person. We believe Thomas married Jemima Jernigan, dau of Henry and Anne Jernigan. She was born ca 1720, p. in VA and had a bro named Lewis. --We believe the children of Thomas and Jemima were: Enos (8) b. 1741, Lewis (9) b. 1743, William Gaston (11) b. 1746, Honora (12) b. 1748, John Stanley (14) b. 1750, Jesse (15) b. 1752, Sarah (16) b. 1754 and Mary Bright (20) b. 1756. Thomas and bro John (6) lived close together in Dobbs Co. and made joint land transactions with their Jernigan neighbors. --In 1787, Thomas made a deed of gift of 200 acres to Jesse (15). We believe he died in Wayne Co. before the 1790 national census.
No. 6: John I. Bizzell, believed to be a son of John (4), was born ca 1725, p. in Nansemond Co., VA At a Jan 1762 Johnston Co. court session, a deed of sale from David Dudley to john I. Bizzell for 100 acres was proved by the oath of Samuel Howell and ordered to be registered. the property lay on the south side of Mill Creek at the Neuse River above the upper fording place. In 1767, John sold this 100 acres to Thomas Creadick. in 1769, a grant for 275 acres for John was entered in Dobbs Co., NC. This property was situated close to that of his bro Thomas (5) in the Falling Creek area. A 1769 tax record in Dobbs Co. showed that John Bizzell and son Thomas (13) listed 2 whites and no blacks for a total of 2 persons to be taxed. Another grant in Dobbs Co. was issued to him 24 May 1773. John and bro Thomas (5) also had several land transactions with their Jernigan neighbors. The NC Revolutionary Accounts show that John contributed generously to support the war effort. --We beileve John was the father of the following persons: John (10) b. 1745, Thomas (13) b. 1749 and Simon (18) b. 1755. --On 27 Nov 1782, John sold 170 acres for 10 pounds to his son Thomas. In 1786, he paid tax on 2070 acres in Wayne Co. We believe he died in Wayne Co. before the first national census in 1790.
No. 7: William Bizzell, believed to be a son of John (4), was born ca 1730, p. in Nansemond Co., VA. On 12 Mar 1928. Dr. James Adrian Bizzell (514), great great grandson of William, wrote to virkus Genealogy Publishing Co. saying "family tradition has it that William emigrated from VA to NC." As a young man, William purchased, for 20 pounds of good VA money, 400 acres from David and Nancy Braswell. The land was situated in Edgecombe Co., NC on the north side of Stony Creek and was entered in court records 12 Oct 1763. Although the original deed did not mention wife Hannah, we believe they were married before 1763 since 3 of their children were born before 1765 according to census records. In a 1771 land sale, Thomas Willis to Richard Vick, mention was made of Bizzell's Mill Branch, so William must have operated a grist mill in Edgecombe Co. William and Hannah sold the Edgecombe property on 6 Jan 1772 for 160 pounds--her name was on this deed. They reappeared a few months later (25 Sep 1772) in old Duplin Co. records, as purchasing 470 acres from George miller for 140 pounds. The land was situated on N. Goshen Swamp and the E. side of White Oak Branch near the present-day Sampson Co. line. Afterwards, the family obtained several land grants and bought and sold much property in Duplin, Wayne and Sampson Cos. --William and 2 of his sons served in the NC State Militia, Bladen Co., 1781-1783 and probably saw action in the battle of Tory Hole, Elizabethtown, Aug 1781. he and son James were listed in Duplin co. in a special NC census attempted 1784-1787. That census was only partially completed owing to objections from those being counted. William and other members of his family were more fully listed in the first national census in 1790. In his will probated 6 Aug 1800, William left property to his wife Hannah; children James (21) b. 1760, Arther (22) b. 1762, Nancy (24) b. 1764, Patty (25) b. 1765, Hardy (28) b. 1769, Sarah (30) b. 1771, Isaac (33) b. 1773, Elizabeth (35) b. 1775, Rachel (37) b. 1776, and Mary (40) b. 1779; and grandau Nancy Rogers. The family must have had a keen interest in religious activities as a number of the children married prominent preachers or members of their families. --At the 1800 Duplin Census, Hannah was listed as head-of-house with one male 16-24 yrs old. At the 1810 census, she was listed as head-of-house in adjoining Wayne Co. and reported a white female 10-16 yrs old living with her. Whe was living next-door' to Jesse (15) and Asher (45). Thereafter, Hannah disappeared from census records.
1731 -- 1750
No. 8: Enos Bizzell, believed to be the son of Thomas (5) and Jemima Jernigan, was born ca 1741, p. in Nansemond Co., VA. There is evidence that he may have married and started his own family there. Ref: 1880 Boone Co., AR Census in which David E. Bizzell (88) stated that his father David (23), sone of Enos, was born in VA. --Records indicate that Enos entered military service from Dobbs Co., NC, served for 7 mos in the NC State Militia and for 77 mos with the Continental Army of the newly formed USA. A total of 7263 men from NC served in the Continental Lines and this included re-enlistments as many as 2,3, and 4 times for some. The records of the NC Troops are very meagre owing to the constant and arduous campaigns in the Carolinas. There was frequent loss of all baggage and records. --Col. John Patton was head of these NC Continental Troops. He was taken prisoner with a large number of his men at charleston, SC on 12 May 1780. Thru the aid of Francis Marian [the Swamp Fox] and his troops, Col Patton and manyh of his men excaped. Later, they were stationed at White Plains, NY and were hurriedly marched with Gen. George Washington to Yorktown, VA for the decisive battle there in 1781. These troops were then returned to NY to close the was there. Hostilities dragged on around NY City and Long Island for many months. --In Oct 1783, a request was entered for David (23) to receive a grant of 640 acres in Davidson Co., TN Territory, in payment for Enos' war service. The last army payment of record was made to Enos 1 Aug 1783 and we believe he was killed at or near White Plains, NY some time later that month. The DAR Patriot Index, Washington, 1966, listed Enos' death date as 22 Oct 1783. A memorial stone to his memory stands in Hillcrest Cemetery, Newton Grove, NC.
No. 9: Lewis Bizzell, believed to be a son of Thomas (5) and Jemima Jernigan, wa born ca 1743, p. in Nansemond Co., VA. He probably was named for his uncle, Lewis Jernigan. The family appeared in the 1790 Duplin Co., NC census when Lew listed himself as head-of-house with one other w.m. (white male) over 21, 2 w.m. under 21 and 5 w.f. of all ages. We believe one of these young males was Elemuel (26) b. 1786. Although this family was lliving near William (7), there was no mention of Lewis or his descendants in William's will probated 1800.
No. 10: John Bizzell, believed to be the sone of John I. (6), was born ca 1745, p. in Nansemond Co., VA. Moved with his parents to Johnston Co., NC ca 1762. NC land grant no. 1128 for an undesignated acreage in Dobbs Co. was issued to him 3 Mar 1775. In 1784-85, he and/or his father entered into 4 land transactions in Wayne Co., NC. --John was married to Abigail. At the 1790 Wayne Census, he was listed as John Sr., head-of-house, with his wife, one w.m over 16 and 2 slaves. At the 1800 Wayne Census, he listedhimself and one w.f., both 45+ yrs old. John died 20 Aug 1819 in Wayne Co. and his will stated: "--departed this life on the 20th day of Aug 1819. John Bizzell, being of perfect mind and memory, made this his nuncupative will, made on his death bed in form and mannar following, to wit: In the presence of Solomon Granthman, the said John Bizzell said that is was his wish and desire that his wife Abigail Bizzell should have his property that is here. --signed: Solomon Grantham."
No. 11: William Gaston Bizzell, son of Thomas (5) and Jemima Jernigan, was born ca 1746, p. in Nansemond Co., VA. Land grant no. 591 for 90 acres in Dobbs Co., NC was entered for him 16 May 1772 and issued 22 Jul 1774. He was listed in the 1790 Wayne Do., NC census as William Bizzell Sr. and was living alone. William Bizzell Jr. (32) also was listed and is known to be the son of Jesse (15). In colonial neighborhoods, the older man was known as Sr. and younger one as Jr.; Sr. and Jr. were not always father and son. We did not find William Sr. listed in the 1800 census and he must have been living in someone else's household at the time. Very early land maps in Wayne Co. indicate that this William was a land surveyor. We believe he either remained single or left no male heirs. he died Mar 1806 in Wayne Co. and his bro Jesse (15) was appointed admr. for his estate.
No. 12: Honora Bizzell, believed to be the dau of Thomas (5) and Jemima Jernigan, was born ca 1748, p. in Nansemond Co., VA. She was a witness in 1787 when Thomas deeded 200 acres to Jesse (15).
No. 13: Thomas Bizzell, son of John (6), ws born ca 1749, p. in Nansemond Co., VA. Moved with his parents to Johnston Co. and then to old Dobbs Co., NC ca 1762. A 1769 tax record for Dobbs Co. showed that John Bizzell and son Thomas listed 2 whites and no blacks for a total of 2 persons to be taxec. --Married first to Pattie Stevens. At the 179- Wayne Co. census, Thomas was listed as head-of-house with one w.m. under 16 and 5 w.f. In Mar 1794, he was a juror for the Superior court at New Bern, NC. At the 1800 Wayne Census, Thomas listed himself as 45+, his wife as 45+, 1 w.m. 16-26 and 6 w.f. At the 1810 Wayne Census, he was listed as Thomas Sr. with 5 w.f.l all under 45. Apparently Pattied died before the 1810 census. --We believe the children of Thomas and Pattie were: William Henry (39) b. 1779, Emily (46) b. 1785, Catherine (55) b. 1790, Sally (59) b. 1795, Zilphia (64) b. 1798, Susan (65) b. 1800 and Delana (69) b. 1802. Another one of Thomas' daus must have married Parker. --Records indicate that Thomas married second to Amy Joyner, widow of Thomas Cole, ca 1817. She was born ca 1785. In 1817, Thomas was on jury duty for the Nov term of Wayne court. At the 1820 census, he and Amy were living in adjoining Johnston Co. and listed 5 w.m and 4 w.f. with them. Some of these undoubtedly were the Cole children. We believe William G. (114) b. 1818 and Mary (120) b. 1820 were children of Thomas and Amy. at the 1830 Johnston Census, Thomas listed himself as 80-90, Amy as 40-50, 3 w.m. and 2 w.f. --Amy's first husband, Thomas Cole, was born ca 1754 and served in the Continental Army in the same btn. as Enos (8). Several people have written to the National Archives inquiring about the war record of Thomas Bizzell. Amy made application for a war widow's pension and her lawyer wrote several letters to Washington explaining her marriages to Cole and to Bizzell. Thomas bizzell may have served a short time in the NC Militia during the Revolutionary War; however, we found no confirmation. Amy's claim for a pension was based solely on Thomas Cole's service in the Continental Army. --Thoma Bizzell apparently died before the 1840 census. At the 1870 Wayne Census, Amy was livinhg with her son W@illiam G. in Grantham Twp. and listed as 100 yrs old.
No. 14: John Stanley Bizzell, son of Thomas (5) and Jemima Jernigan, was born ca 1750, p. in Nansemond Co., VA. Moved with his parents to the Falling Creek area of Dobbs Co., NC ca 1762. As a young man, he probably had several land transactions in Dobbs Co., but it is difficult to distinguish between his transactions and those of 2 other johns (6 & 10) living in the same district. In Jul 1774, a John Bizel was indicted for asault and battery in Dobbs Co. and we believe it was this person. The case was heard in District Court at New Bern, NC. --At the 1790 Wayne Census, he was listed as John Jr., to distinguish him from the older John (10) living nhearby. He listed himself as head-of-house with 3 w.m. and 3 w.f. living with him. On 12 Jun 1797, he prepared a will naming his wife Nancy Ann and children Zilphia (31) b. 1771, Sarah (34) b. 1773, John (41) b. 1780, Thomas (42) b. 1783, and Isaac (52) b. 1789. because of the wording in the will, it appears that John may have had 2 wives, with the 2 younger children born to the second wife. The will appointed bro Jesse (15) co-executor with Sanford McLendon, son-in-law. Signers were R. McKinne, bro William (11) and Vincern Salmon. John died before the 1800 census and perhaps concurrent with the date of his will. At the 1800 Wayne census, Ann was listed as head-of-house with their 3 boys and a w.f. 45+. --In May 1804, Nancy Ann was named as guardian of John, an infant, and a trust fund was established. This may have been the illegitimate child of William Bizzell (32) and Ann Cogdell, described in 3 court records from 1802-1805. --At the 1810 Wayne census, Nancy Ann was listed with 2 w.m. 16-26 and a w.f. 26-45. --In early 1821, she was sick for 56 days at the home of Dr. Ephraim Bradshaw in adjoining Sampson Co. and died there 10 Mar 1821. Jesse (15) was executor of the estate and dr. Bradshaw went thru Wayne court to collect. The court allowed the following expenses: 56 days of board and medical attendance--$112. for making a coffin--$16, lumber--67 cents, one pound of nails--20 cents, one gallon of brandy and one gallon of whiskey for the wake--$3.
No. 5: Thomas Bizzell, believed to be the son of John (4), was born ca 1718, p. in Nansemond Co., VA. on 28 Jan 1750, he witnessed a land deed from William Cain to Jacob Flowers in Edgecombe Co., NC. NC land grant no. 79 for 300 acres was entered for a Thomas Bizell on 21 Apr 1762. The land lay on the north side of Upper Falling Creek, Dobbs Co., NC and was issued 22 Feb 1764. In another transaction, grant no. 366 was made to a Thomas Bizzell. It was for 300 acres, located on the south side of Neuse River, dobbs co. and was entered 25 Oct 1765 and issued 29 Apre 1768. These actions appear to be by and for the same person. We believe Thomas married Jemima Jernigan, dau of Henry and Anne Jernigan. She was born ca 1720, p. in VA and had a bro named Lewis. --We believe the children of Thomas and Jemima were: Enos (8) b. 1741, Lewis (9) b. 1743, William Gaston (11) b. 1746, Honora (12) b. 1748, John Stanley (14) b. 1750, Jesse (15) b. 1752, Sarah (16) b. 1754 and Mary Bright (20) b. 1756. Thomas and bro John (6) lived close together in Dobbs Co. and made joint land transactions with their Jernigan neighbors. --In 1787, Thomas made a deed of gift of 200 acres to Jesse (15). We believe he died in Wayne Co. before the 1790 national census.
No. 6: John I. Bizzell, believed to be a son of John (4), was born ca 1725, p. in Nansemond Co., VA At a Jan 1762 Johnston Co. court session, a deed of sale from David Dudley to john I. Bizzell for 100 acres was proved by the oath of Samuel Howell and ordered to be registered. the property lay on the south side of Mill Creek at the Neuse River above the upper fording place. In 1767, John sold this 100 acres to Thomas Creadick. in 1769, a grant for 275 acres for John was entered in Dobbs Co., NC. This property was situated close to that of his bro Thomas (5) in the Falling Creek area. A 1769 tax record in Dobbs Co. showed that John Bizzell and son Thomas (13) listed 2 whites and no blacks for a total of 2 persons to be taxed. Another grant in Dobbs Co. was issued to him 24 May 1773. John and bro Thomas (5) also had several land transactions with their Jernigan neighbors. The NC Revolutionary Accounts show that John contributed generously to support the war effort. --We beileve John was the father of the following persons: John (10) b. 1745, Thomas (13) b. 1749 and Simon (18) b. 1755. --On 27 Nov 1782, John sold 170 acres for 10 pounds to his son Thomas. In 1786, he paid tax on 2070 acres in Wayne Co. We believe he died in Wayne Co. before the first national census in 1790.
No. 7: William Bizzell, believed to be a son of John (4), was born ca 1730, p. in Nansemond Co., VA. On 12 Mar 1928. Dr. James Adrian Bizzell (514), great great grandson of William, wrote to virkus Genealogy Publishing Co. saying "family tradition has it that William emigrated from VA to NC." As a young man, William purchased, for 20 pounds of good VA money, 400 acres from David and Nancy Braswell. The land was situated in Edgecombe Co., NC on the north side of Stony Creek and was entered in court records 12 Oct 1763. Although the original deed did not mention wife Hannah, we believe they were married before 1763 since 3 of their children were born before 1765 according to census records. In a 1771 land sale, Thomas Willis to Richard Vick, mention was made of Bizzell's Mill Branch, so William must have operated a grist mill in Edgecombe Co. William and Hannah sold the Edgecombe property on 6 Jan 1772 for 160 pounds--her name was on this deed. They reappeared a few months later (25 Sep 1772) in old Duplin Co. records, as purchasing 470 acres from George miller for 140 pounds. The land was situated on N. Goshen Swamp and the E. side of White Oak Branch near the present-day Sampson Co. line. Afterwards, the family obtained several land grants and bought and sold much property in Duplin, Wayne and Sampson Cos. --William and 2 of his sons served in the NC State Militia, Bladen Co., 1781-1783 and probably saw action in the battle of Tory Hole, Elizabethtown, Aug 1781. he and son James were listed in Duplin co. in a special NC census attempted 1784-1787. That census was only partially completed owing to objections from those being counted. William and other members of his family were more fully listed in the first national census in 1790. In his will probated 6 Aug 1800, William left property to his wife Hannah; children James (21) b. 1760, Arther (22) b. 1762, Nancy (24) b. 1764, Patty (25) b. 1765, Hardy (28) b. 1769, Sarah (30) b. 1771, Isaac (33) b. 1773, Elizabeth (35) b. 1775, Rachel (37) b. 1776, and Mary (40) b. 1779; and grandau Nancy Rogers. The family must have had a keen interest in religious activities as a number of the children married prominent preachers or members of their families. --At the 1800 Duplin Census, Hannah was listed as head-of-house with one male 16-24 yrs old. At the 1810 census, she was listed as head-of-house in adjoining Wayne Co. and reported a white female 10-16 yrs old living with her. Whe was living next-door' to Jesse (15) and Asher (45). Thereafter, Hannah disappeared from census records.
1731 -- 1750
No. 8: Enos Bizzell, believed to be the son of Thomas (5) and Jemima Jernigan, was born ca 1741, p. in Nansemond Co., VA. There is evidence that he may have married and started his own family there. Ref: 1880 Boone Co., AR Census in which David E. Bizzell (88) stated that his father David (23), sone of Enos, was born in VA. --Records indicate that Enos entered military service from Dobbs Co., NC, served for 7 mos in the NC State Militia and for 77 mos with the Continental Army of the newly formed USA. A total of 7263 men from NC served in the Continental Lines and this included re-enlistments as many as 2,3, and 4 times for some. The records of the NC Troops are very meagre owing to the constant and arduous campaigns in the Carolinas. There was frequent loss of all baggage and records. --Col. John Patton was head of these NC Continental Troops. He was taken prisoner with a large number of his men at charleston, SC on 12 May 1780. Thru the aid of Francis Marian [the Swamp Fox] and his troops, Col Patton and manyh of his men excaped. Later, they were stationed at White Plains, NY and were hurriedly marched with Gen. George Washington to Yorktown, VA for the decisive battle there in 1781. These troops were then returned to NY to close the was there. Hostilities dragged on around NY City and Long Island for many months. --In Oct 1783, a request was entered for David (23) to receive a grant of 640 acres in Davidson Co., TN Territory, in payment for Enos' war service. The last army payment of record was made to Enos 1 Aug 1783 and we believe he was killed at or near White Plains, NY some time later that month. The DAR Patriot Index, Washington, 1966, listed Enos' death date as 22 Oct 1783. A memorial stone to his memory stands in Hillcrest Cemetery, Newton Grove, NC.
No. 9: Lewis Bizzell, believed to be a son of Thomas (5) and Jemima Jernigan, wa born ca 1743, p. in Nansemond Co., VA. He probably was named for his uncle, Lewis Jernigan. The family appeared in the 1790 Duplin Co., NC census when Lew listed himself as head-of-house with one other w.m. (white male) over 21, 2 w.m. under 21 and 5 w.f. of all ages. We believe one of these young males was Elemuel (26) b. 1786. Although this family was lliving near William (7), there was no mention of Lewis or his descendants in William's will probated 1800.
No. 10: John Bizzell, believed to be the sone of John I. (6), was born ca 1745, p. in Nansemond Co., VA. Moved with his parents to Johnston Co., NC ca 1762. NC land grant no. 1128 for an undesignated acreage in Dobbs Co. was issued to him 3 Mar 1775. In 1784-85, he and/or his father entered into 4 land transactions in Wayne Co., NC. --John was married to Abigail. At the 1790 Wayne Census, he was listed as John Sr., head-of-house, with his wife, one w.m over 16 and 2 slaves. At the 1800 Wayne Census, he listedhimself and one w.f., both 45+ yrs old. John died 20 Aug 1819 in Wayne Co. and his will stated: "--departed this life on the 20th day of Aug 1819. John Bizzell, being of perfect mind and memory, made this his nuncupative will, made on his death bed in form and mannar following, to wit: In the presence of Solomon Granthman, the said John Bizzell said that is was his wish and desire that his wife Abigail Bizzell should have his property that is here. --signed: Solomon Grantham."
No. 11: William Gaston Bizzell, son of Thomas (5) and Jemima Jernigan, was born ca 1746, p. in Nansemond Co., VA. Land grant no. 591 for 90 acres in Dobbs Co., NC was entered for him 16 May 1772 and issued 22 Jul 1774. He was listed in the 1790 Wayne Do., NC census as William Bizzell Sr. and was living alone. William Bizzell Jr. (32) also was listed and is known to be the son of Jesse (15). In colonial neighborhoods, the older man was known as Sr. and younger one as Jr.; Sr. and Jr. were not always father and son. We did not find William Sr. listed in the 1800 census and he must have been living in someone else's household at the time. Very early land maps in Wayne Co. indicate that this William was a land surveyor. We believe he either remained single or left no male heirs. he died Mar 1806 in Wayne Co. and his bro Jesse (15) was appointed admr. for his estate.
No. 12: Honora Bizzell, believed to be the dau of Thomas (5) and Jemima Jernigan, was born ca 1748, p. in Nansemond Co., VA. She was a witness in 1787 when Thomas deeded 200 acres to Jesse (15).
No. 13: Thomas Bizzell, son of John (6), ws born ca 1749, p. in Nansemond Co., VA. Moved with his parents to Johnston Co. and then to old Dobbs Co., NC ca 1762. A 1769 tax record for Dobbs Co. showed that John Bizzell and son Thomas listed 2 whites and no blacks for a total of 2 persons to be taxec. --Married first to Pattie Stevens. At the 179- Wayne Co. census, Thomas was listed as head-of-house with one w.m. under 16 and 5 w.f. In Mar 1794, he was a juror for the Superior court at New Bern, NC. At the 1800 Wayne Census, Thomas listed himself as 45+, his wife as 45+, 1 w.m. 16-26 and 6 w.f. At the 1810 Wayne Census, he was listed as Thomas Sr. with 5 w.f.l all under 45. Apparently Pattied died before the 1810 census. --We believe the children of Thomas and Pattie were: William Henry (39) b. 1779, Emily (46) b. 1785, Catherine (55) b. 1790, Sally (59) b. 1795, Zilphia (64) b. 1798, Susan (65) b. 1800 and Delana (69) b. 1802. Another one of Thomas' daus must have married Parker. --Records indicate that Thomas married second to Amy Joyner, widow of Thomas Cole, ca 1817. She was born ca 1785. In 1817, Thomas was on jury duty for the Nov term of Wayne court. At the 1820 census, he and Amy were living in adjoining Johnston Co. and listed 5 w.m and 4 w.f. with them. Some of these undoubtedly were the Cole children. We believe William G. (114) b. 1818 and Mary (120) b. 1820 were children of Thomas and Amy. at the 1830 Johnston Census, Thomas listed himself as 80-90, Amy as 40-50, 3 w.m. and 2 w.f. --Amy's first husband, Thomas Cole, was born ca 1754 and served in the Continental Army in the same btn. as Enos (8). Several people have written to the National Archives inquiring about the war record of Thomas Bizzell. Amy made application for a war widow's pension and her lawyer wrote several letters to Washington explaining her marriages to Cole and to Bizzell. Thomas bizzell may have served a short time in the NC Militia during the Revolutionary War; however, we found no confirmation. Amy's claim for a pension was based solely on Thomas Cole's service in the Continental Army. --Thoma Bizzell apparently died before the 1840 census. At the 1870 Wayne Census, Amy was livinhg with her son W@illiam G. in Grantham Twp. and listed as 100 yrs old.
No. 14: John Stanley Bizzell, son of Thomas (5) and Jemima Jernigan, was born ca 1750, p. in Nansemond Co., VA. Moved with his parents to the Falling Creek area of Dobbs Co., NC ca 1762. As a young man, he probably had several land transactions in Dobbs Co., but it is difficult to distinguish between his transactions and those of 2 other johns (6 & 10) living in the same district. In Jul 1774, a John Bizel was indicted for asault and battery in Dobbs Co. and we believe it was this person. The case was heard in District Court at New Bern, NC. --At the 1790 Wayne Census, he was listed as John Jr., to distinguish him from the older John (10) living nhearby. He listed himself as head-of-house with 3 w.m. and 3 w.f. living with him. On 12 Jun 1797, he prepared a will naming his wife Nancy Ann and children Zilphia (31) b. 1771, Sarah (34) b. 1773, John (41) b. 1780, Thomas (42) b. 1783, and Isaac (52) b. 1789. because of the wording in the will, it appears that John may have had 2 wives, with the 2 younger children born to the second wife. The will appointed bro Jesse (15) co-executor with Sanford McLendon, son-in-law. Signers were R. McKinne, bro William (11) and Vincern Salmon. John died before the 1800 census and perhaps concurrent with the date of his will. At the 1800 Wayne census, Ann was listed as head-of-house with their 3 boys and a w.f. 45+. --In May 1804, Nancy Ann was named as guardian of John, an infant, and a trust fund was established. This may have been the illegitimate child of William Bizzell (32) and Ann Cogdell, described in 3 court records from 1802-1805. --At the 1810 Wayne census, Nancy Ann was listed with 2 w.m. 16-26 and a w.f. 26-45. --In early 1821, she was sick for 56 days at the home of Dr. Ephraim Bradshaw in adjoining Sampson Co. and died there 10 Mar 1821. Jesse (15) was executor of the estate and dr. Bradshaw went thru Wayne court to collect. The court allowed the following expenses: 56 days of board and medical attendance--$112. for making a coffin--$16, lumber--67 cents, one pound of nails--20 cents, one gallon of brandy and one gallon of whiskey for the wake--$3.
John Stanley Bizzell
Name: John Stanley Bizzell
Date of birth: England
Place of birth:
Date of Death:
Place of death:
Date of Marriage:
Date of birth: England
Place of birth:
Date of Death:
Place of death:
Date of Marriage:
Thomas Bizzell
Name: Thomas Bizzell
Date of birth: 1655
Place of birth: England
Date of Death: 1691
Place of death: Va.
Father: John Stanly Bizzell
Date of Marriage:
Date of birth: 1655
Place of birth: England
Date of Death: 1691
Place of death: Va.
Father: John Stanly Bizzell
Date of Marriage:
John Bizzell
Name: John Bizzell
Date of birth: 1695
Place of birth: New Kenk Va.
Nansemond County, VA
Date of Death: 1760
Place of death:
Date of Marriage:
Date of birth: 1695
Place of birth: New Kenk Va.
Nansemond County, VA
Date of Death: 1760
Place of death:
Date of Marriage:
Thomas Enos Bizzell
Name: Thomas Enos Bizzell Jr
Date of birth: 1718
Place of birth: New Kent, New Kent County, Virginia, USA.
Date of Death: 1790
Place of death: Wayne County, North Caolina, USA
Father: John Bizzell
Date of Marriage:
Wife: Jemima Jernigan (Family Tree)
Children Name: Enos Bizzell
Date of birth: 1741 - 1783)
Place of birth:
Date of Death:
Place of death:
Date of Marriage:
Place of birth: Hillcrest Cemetry Newton, Sampson Coount, North Caroline, USA
Date of Death:
Place of death:
Date of Marriage:
Date of birth: 1718
Place of birth: New Kent, New Kent County, Virginia, USA.
Date of Death: 1790
Place of death: Wayne County, North Caolina, USA
Father: John Bizzell
Date of Marriage:
Wife: Jemima Jernigan (Family Tree)
Children Name: Enos Bizzell
Date of birth: 1741 - 1783)
Place of birth:
Date of Death:
Place of death:
Date of Marriage:
Place of birth: Hillcrest Cemetry Newton, Sampson Coount, North Caroline, USA
Date of Death:
Place of death:
Date of Marriage:
Enos Bizzell
Name: Enos Bizzell
Date of birth: 1741
Place of birth: Naasemond, Suffork City, Virginia, USA
Date of Death: Sept. 1783
Place of death:White Plains, Westchester County, New Your, Coity, USA
Father: Thomas Enos Bizzell1718 - 1790
Children: David Bizzell 17218- 1790
Burial: Hillcest Cementry
Newton Grove, Spamson County , North Carolina, USA
Date of Marriage:
Servered in the 2nd Continental Army For 84 months.
Date of birth: 1741
Place of birth: Naasemond, Suffork City, Virginia, USA
Date of Death: Sept. 1783
Place of death:White Plains, Westchester County, New Your, Coity, USA
Father: Thomas Enos Bizzell1718 - 1790
Children: David Bizzell 17218- 1790
Burial: Hillcest Cementry
Newton Grove, Spamson County , North Carolina, USA
Date of Marriage:
Servered in the 2nd Continental Army For 84 months.
David Bizzell
David Bizzell son of Enos (8) was born ca 1762, Nansemond Co., VA. At the 1880 census, son David listed that his father was born in VA. Moved with his parents when he was very young to the Falling Creek area of Dobbs, Co. ,NC. IN Oct. 1783, a request was entered for David to receive a grant of 640 acres of land in Davidson Co., TN Territory, for Enos1 84 months of service and death in the Revolutionary War. The grant was issued 14 Mar 1786. David sold this land warrant to Simon Bizzell (18)- David married first wife ca 1784 in Wayne Co., NC. She was the mother of Serena(44) born 1784 and Asher (45) born 1785. and she apparently died before the National census in 1790. In Feb. 1797, David served Jury duty in Wayne Co., He was not listed in the 1800 census and was probably living as part of someone else's household. David second wife was Amy Everett the daughter of John Everett and Leonora Lane. Their children were: Joanne (79)-1805, Mary (Polly) (84) 1807 David Everett (88) born 1808, Jane (91)-1809, and Betsy Ann (96)1811, David died and left a will allocating his land, and it was probated Nov. 1817 in Wayne Co., The will was prepared 17 Oct. 1814, and read as follows: In the Name of God, Amen. I, David Bizzell, being in my senses and remembering the mortality of my body do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following, that is to say, I lend unto my beloved wife during her widowhood my lands and plantation, Also, in like manner, all my household of kitchen furniture. Also, my plantation tools of every work. Also, in like manner, all my livestock of every kind, Also in like manner, I lend my negro girl Selah, and now give unto my said wife, her heirs and assigns forever one negro man named Cato, also one negro woman named Fellis.- Item: I give unto my son, $25.00 and no more having heretofore given him what I thought would make him equal with my other children. Item- I give unto my daughter Seeny Bizzell Wolf, $5.00, having already given her what I allotted. Item- I give unto my son, David Everett, his heirs and assigns for ever all my lands after the expiration of the lent to his mother, but should it so happen that my said son die without a lawful issue, in that case I give the lands unto my daughters Joanna, Polly, Jane and Betsy Ann, their heirs and assigns forever. Item- 1 give unto my daughter Joanne, Polly, Jane and Betsy Ann all the remainder of my property after paying my just debts. I also give them what I lent my wife after the expiration of the lents, but in case either of my daughters should die without lawful issue, my will is that the survivors or survivor of them have the legacy of the deceased. Lastly, I do nominate, constitute and appoint my brother-in-law Joseph Everett, and Thomas Kennedy, executors to this my will and testament, in witness whereof I set my hand and affixed my seal this day and date within written, In addition, the executors of David's estate made an inventory of all personal and household property. It is listed here to illustrate a rural early 19th century household, and includes: 3 head of horses, 14 head of cattle, 16 head of sheep, 2 sows and 21 pigs, 15 fat hogs, 1 crib of corn, 4 fodder stacks, 5 plow harrows, 3 axes, 8 weeding and grubbing hoes, 2 plow frames and gear, 1 cart and 2 bodies, 1 grind stone, 1 ridding chair, and harness, 14 head of geese, 15 bushels of wheat, some flax and some tallow, 3 feather vids and steeds and furniture, 1 loom and harness, 3 wheel of woolen and linen, 3 tables, 10 chairs, 1 chest, 1 lot of crockery ware, 1 lot of pewter, 1 lot of tin ware, 1 looking glass, 1 shot gun 3 pot hooks, 1 lot of tubs and pails, some knives and forks, 2 bibles, some other books, 4 jugs, 3 negros, 1 pair of fire dogs, 1 show and side e arms, 1 frying pan and griddle, 2 saddle and bridles, 1 small trunk, 1 not of Henry Bizzell(39) principle and interest added up to this day $337.34, 2 notes of Joseph Everett-principle and interest added up to this date $489.30. 1 note on Michael McKinne- principle and interest added up to this ate $84.98,Everett Bass' receipt for $83 taken 17th Feb. 1816 doubtful, Robert McKinne's $2.30 doubtful, cash in Executor's hands $19.- At the 1820 Wayne census, widow Amy listed her son and 3 of her daughters, plus an extra w.m. 10-16 that we were unable to identify. At the 1830 Wayne census, Amy (or Ann) was head-of- house 60-70 yrs old, and David E. (88) 20-30, 2 of the daughters at 20-30 and the 3 slaves listed in David's will were still with the family. Apparently Amy died before the 1840 census-A memorial marker to the memory of David stands in Hillcrest Cemetery, Newton Grove, Sampson Co., NC.
David Everett Bizzell
David Everett Bizzell-
David Everett was the son of David and Amy Everett, was born 1808 in Wayne County N.C., He was one of the heirs in his fathers will probated Nov 1817 term of Wayne Court. Married 6 Nov. 1847, they inherited 471 acres in Nash Co., NC from David Winborne, Maloney's father, this land was sold in three separate sales in late 1848 for a total of $699.37 and the family started westward in 1849 to East Fork, Cadson Twp.,Conway Co., Arkansas Children James Asher (172)-1834, James Winborne (176)-1935, John Everett (177)-1836, David William(194 )-1838 , Lorenzo Fletcher (211)-1841, Francis Marion (217)- 1842, Thomas Coke (239)-1845, Leonora lane (254)-1847,and Clayton Lee (287)-1850. Maloney died March 11,1851, at East Fork. At the 1850 Conway Co. Census, David E. listed several additional children most of whom were born in Va. These were: Obidiah-1841, Emetine 1842, Martha-1843, Melinda-1845 and Mary- 1848. They did not appear as Bizzells in any additional census records we found and must have been mistakenly listed by the census taker. At the 1860 census, the family was living at Springfield, Union TV7P., Conway Co., Arkansas, David had married the second time to widow Anniss Dean Doan from TN., who had the daughter narned Alma A, Doan born 1848 in TN. , At the 1860 census , David and Anniss had 2 sons: Isaiah Doan(331) born 1855, and Madison Conway (344) born 1857, The older boys were living with other persons and working as carpenters, farmers, storekeepers etc. David E. was then 53 and working as a carpenter. In 1866, he moved to Boone Co., Arkansas and at the 1870 Boone Census, listed himself as head -of-house with son Madison in school and son John E. and family living with him. Apparently Anniss was dead by then.
David Everett was the son of David and Amy Everett, was born 1808 in Wayne County N.C., He was one of the heirs in his fathers will probated Nov 1817 term of Wayne Court. Married 6 Nov. 1847, they inherited 471 acres in Nash Co., NC from David Winborne, Maloney's father, this land was sold in three separate sales in late 1848 for a total of $699.37 and the family started westward in 1849 to East Fork, Cadson Twp.,Conway Co., Arkansas Children James Asher (172)-1834, James Winborne (176)-1935, John Everett (177)-1836, David William(194 )-1838 , Lorenzo Fletcher (211)-1841, Francis Marion (217)- 1842, Thomas Coke (239)-1845, Leonora lane (254)-1847,and Clayton Lee (287)-1850. Maloney died March 11,1851, at East Fork. At the 1850 Conway Co. Census, David E. listed several additional children most of whom were born in Va. These were: Obidiah-1841, Emetine 1842, Martha-1843, Melinda-1845 and Mary- 1848. They did not appear as Bizzells in any additional census records we found and must have been mistakenly listed by the census taker. At the 1860 census, the family was living at Springfield, Union TV7P., Conway Co., Arkansas, David had married the second time to widow Anniss Dean Doan from TN., who had the daughter narned Alma A, Doan born 1848 in TN. , At the 1860 census , David and Anniss had 2 sons: Isaiah Doan(331) born 1855, and Madison Conway (344) born 1857, The older boys were living with other persons and working as carpenters, farmers, storekeepers etc. David E. was then 53 and working as a carpenter. In 1866, he moved to Boone Co., Arkansas and at the 1870 Boone Census, listed himself as head -of-house with son Madison in school and son John E. and family living with him. Apparently Anniss was dead by then.
John Everett Bizzell ( mom's grandfather)
John Everett- son of David Everett and Maloney Winborne, was born Nov.7,1836 in Nash Co., N.C. Migrated with his parents from Nash to East Fork, Conway Co., Arkansas, starting in 1849. In 1854, at age 17, he was bitten by a rattlesnake while getting a drink of water near the Arkansas River. At the 1860 Conway census, he was listed as a carpenter and living with the Joshua Moses family. Married Oct. 25, 1860 to Nancy Jane (Polly) Brewer who was born Jan.16,1837 in TN. Children: Joseph Wesley born 1861, Francis Marian, 18627 Mary Alice 1864, Thomas Lee 1867, Minnie Jane 1871, John Shelby 1873, Carol Dora 1875, Nora Lane 1879. John Everett served for one month with the CSA and was discharged because he was ill and had been left behind by his Company. In 1865, he enlisted in the Union Army and served for 4 mos. -see Civil War records— Occupation: at the age of 19, he began farming for himself. In 1890, he owned a well-stocked farm consisting of 160 acres with 90 under a high state of cultivation. In the Masonic Fraternity, he advanced to the degree of Royal Arch Mason and held the office of Chaplin. He and his wife were both members of the Methodist Episcopal Church South in which he held the office of local deacon. Because of these religious activities, he came to be called Reverend. John E. died Jan.7,1898; Nancy died April 12,1922; and both were buried in the Bizzell Cemetery at Lanty, Arkansas.
John Everett Bizzell, Confederate Army, Private, Company F, (Capt. Hanna's Company, McRae's Regiment), 36th Arkansas Infantry. Enlisted 18 Jun 1862 at Springfield, Conway Co. AR for 3 years. However, he spent less than a month with the CSA Army because he became sick while on the road. His Company went on and feft him behind and he returned home when Ice was well enough to travel. Records show that John E. was discharged 11 Jul 1862.- Very near the end of the war, John joined the Union Army. The following records are available: John E. Bizzell, Union Army, Private, Company G, 4th Regiment, Ark/ Cavalry. Volunteered at Lewisburg, AR. - I, John E. Bizzell born in Nash Co., in the state of North Carolina, age 28 years, and by occupation a farmer, do hereby acknowledge to have volunteered this twenty-third day of January, 1865, to serve as a soldier in the Army of the United States of America and that I will serve them honestly and faithfully against all their enemies or opposes whomsoever; and that I will observe and obey the orders of the Presi dent of the United States, and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to the Rules and Articles of War.-While on duty with the Union Army, John E. Suffered an injury that plagued him the remainder of his life. On Mar.1,1865, near Sulpher Springs in Conway County, while riding along the highway returning from a scouting expedition, his horse became frightened and ran away. During flight the horse fell and the saddle struck John E. a severe blow on the left side of the chest. After recovering somewhat from the hurt, he was assisted by comrades to the military hospital at Lewisburg. This accident was said to have left him with a fluttering in the heart, breathing difficulties and a severe cough. Because hostilities ceased about this time, John E. was mustered out of the Union service on June 30,1865 at Lewisburg. He was described as having dark hair, fair complexion, hazel eyes and being 5 ft.8inch. tall. Following the war, John E. made application for a federal pension. Because he was from a Southern State and served the Union, a number of people wrote uncomplimentary letters to Washington, DC about him. There is an extensive file on him at the National Archives. CSA soldiers David W., Lorenzo F, Francis M, and Thomas C were his brothers.
John Everett Bizzell, Confederate Army, Private, Company F, (Capt. Hanna's Company, McRae's Regiment), 36th Arkansas Infantry. Enlisted 18 Jun 1862 at Springfield, Conway Co. AR for 3 years. However, he spent less than a month with the CSA Army because he became sick while on the road. His Company went on and feft him behind and he returned home when Ice was well enough to travel. Records show that John E. was discharged 11 Jul 1862.- Very near the end of the war, John joined the Union Army. The following records are available: John E. Bizzell, Union Army, Private, Company G, 4th Regiment, Ark/ Cavalry. Volunteered at Lewisburg, AR. - I, John E. Bizzell born in Nash Co., in the state of North Carolina, age 28 years, and by occupation a farmer, do hereby acknowledge to have volunteered this twenty-third day of January, 1865, to serve as a soldier in the Army of the United States of America and that I will serve them honestly and faithfully against all their enemies or opposes whomsoever; and that I will observe and obey the orders of the Presi dent of the United States, and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to the Rules and Articles of War.-While on duty with the Union Army, John E. Suffered an injury that plagued him the remainder of his life. On Mar.1,1865, near Sulpher Springs in Conway County, while riding along the highway returning from a scouting expedition, his horse became frightened and ran away. During flight the horse fell and the saddle struck John E. a severe blow on the left side of the chest. After recovering somewhat from the hurt, he was assisted by comrades to the military hospital at Lewisburg. This accident was said to have left him with a fluttering in the heart, breathing difficulties and a severe cough. Because hostilities ceased about this time, John E. was mustered out of the Union service on June 30,1865 at Lewisburg. He was described as having dark hair, fair complexion, hazel eyes and being 5 ft.8inch. tall. Following the war, John E. made application for a federal pension. Because he was from a Southern State and served the Union, a number of people wrote uncomplimentary letters to Washington, DC about him. There is an extensive file on him at the National Archives. CSA soldiers David W., Lorenzo F, Francis M, and Thomas C were his brothers.
John Shelby Bizzell
John Shelby Bizzell- son of John Everett and Nancy Brewer, was born 6 November 1873 at Everton, Boone Co., Arkansas. Married Johnnie Louisa Bradley on 3 Oct.1905, who was born 27 Nov. 1888. at Clinton, Arkansas. Children: Thelma Lee 5-20-1908, John Ewing 9-7-1913,Pauline 11-24-1916, Mattie Elaine 12-4-1926, Kathryn Jane 7-17-1928
John Shelby was a farmer, died April 17,1942 at Covina, California. Johnnie married Perry L. Underwood in 1947, Johnnie died June 30, 1974 at Covina, California
John Shelby was a farmer, died April 17,1942 at Covina, California. Johnnie married Perry L. Underwood in 1947, Johnnie died June 30, 1974 at Covina, California
Thelma Lee Bizzell Taylor
Thelma Lee Bizzell Taylor daughter of John Shelby (478) and Johnnie Bradley Bizzell was born 20 May 1908 at Morrilton, Arkansas. Married 1st, August 1926 to George Noah Taylor, children: Virginia Ruth Taylor Harms, Marjorie Louise Taylor Smith, Janie Sue Taylor Newkirk, George Ewing, Belva Joyce Taylor Empey and Robert Lee . George N. died on June 23,1963 at Covina, George and Thelma lived in Russellville, Arkansas and Covina, California. Religion: Baptist. Thelma died August !976. at Covina, Ca.
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